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Eh niente, con cerchi e freni piu' grossi...

No, no...è perfetta così 8-)

My cars...

Autobianchi Y10 1.1 i.e. (1992) - Lancia Ypsilon LX BEV (2024)




Bello il video, e bei giocattoloni le SRT!

Avrei voluto essere li' :D

Di questi ne vendono a secchiate.


[scritto in data 18 Luglio 2013 - Riferito a Jeep Cherokee]


OMG, il sogno di chiunque che si avvera :sh:

Armored car spills cash on Texas highway: police


(Reuters) - A Brinks Armored Truck spilled a bag full of cash on a Texas highway on Friday, slowing traffic as motorists stopped on the road to scoop up money, police said.

"At this time, it appears as if most of the money that was lost by the truck has been picked up by citizens traveling along the roadway," police in Weatherford, west of Fort Worth, said.

There is no indication of how much cash spilled from the truck that was traveling on Interstate 20 to Abilene.

Weatherford Police said it was "substantial" and Brinks was not immediately available for comment. Police told motorists to stay in their cars, warning that looking for cash on a highway can be dangerous.

But video on social media purported to be from the scene showed vehicles stopped along the roadway and people trying to track down paper money as it fluttered in the Texas wind.

Brinks told police that the cash was in a plastic bag that fell out of the truck from a side passenger door and broke open, spilling money along the roadway.

"We strongly encourage those individuals to come forward and turn the money back into the Weatherford Police Department," the department said.

Police spokesman Chris Crawford said it appears there is no more cash on the highway and so far "most of the money has not been turned into us or to Brinks."

Armored car spills cash on Texas highway: police | Reuters

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