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Ziobilly quanto è grossa..nsx non è esattamente microscopica


Beschleunigung ist, wenn die Tränen der Ergriffenheit waagrecht zum Ohr hin abfliessen

Inviato (modificato)

Altro mio sogno proibito insieme a d M3 e36 ..

(bel restauro ,escluso quell'abominio di stereo :roll: )

Vi segnalo anche questa , tanta roba tanti soldi tanta tanta :

mi spiegate come fa il 'grano' a non comprare la felicità, su questa brabus sarei felice.. eccome se sarei felice :lol::lol: :mrgreen::mrgreen:

Modificato da KALEL

Autopareri: based on a true story


Cos'è, sistema antifurto-antivandalismo? :pen:

Statisticamente, il 98% dei ragazzi nel mondo ha provato a fumare qualsiasi cosa. Se sei fra il 2%, copia e incolla questa frase nella tua firma

Cos'è, sistema antifurto-antivandalismo? :pen:

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Brand New Van Gets a ‘Rust-Camo’ Makeover As a Car Thief Deterrent

This genius right here bought himself a brand new Volkswagen California campervan then wrapped in a vinyl skin reminiscent of a beat up Chevy Astro that let rust get the better of it. Enlisting the help of UK-based vinyl wrap shop ‘Clyde Wraps’, he covered the 2014 Volkswagen T5 Sportline an entire car decal of rust, cracks and even window screws to deter car thieves from stealing it.

‘It goes without saying the van stands out in a crowd and our customer had great pleasure in telling us later that it only took 3 days for the police to pull him over to ask what was going on with all the rust’, said Clyde Wraps. The idea seems like it was taken right out old SNL commercial for the Chameleon XLE, a luxury car that, from the outside, looks like a beat up pile of rust.

Brand New Van Gets a 'Rust-Camo' Makeover As a Car Thief Deterrent - The Roosevelts

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