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4 ore fa, Tony ramirez dice:

l'ibrida pulita. Questo e marketing puro! Questi non sanno più come pulirsi la faccia.. e non parlo del vaticano! credo che il loro visagista faccia anche retroscopie... :attorno:

"...nel blu dipinto di...Blu Lancia..."




Shouldn’t driving a manual be a prerequisite for the leader of the free world, anyway? I mean, what if you’re being chased by a herd of evil robot Pomeranians controlled by Dr. No and your only getaway car is a 1979 Yugo? You have to think of these things when you’re president, you know.

President Obama reviewed some of his post-presidency resume items with Stephen Colbert (err, “Office Manager Randy”) last night when they finally got to a bullet point about the auto industry:


Colbert: It says here that you saved the American auto industry.

Obama: Yeah, but nobody believes it. Change that to “drives stick.”

Colbert: Oh, that’s good. Good in case you want to be a long-haul trucker.

That’s probably a sound edit. We can’t even figure out what now-sort-of-Italy’s-problem Dodge is up to now besides stuffing Hellcat engines in things, anyway.


Either way, it’s good to know that there are still issues that can unite us as Americans. Driving a manual is fun and good, and may this great nation do many, many burnouts—for America. Burnouts we can believe in!




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. “There are varying degrees of hugs. I can hug you nicely, I can hug you tightly, I can hug you like a bear, I can really hug you. Everything starts with physical contact. Then it can degrade, but it starts with physical contact." SM su Autonews :rotfl:

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