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China full-beam drivers punished by dazzling

2 November 2016

 Shenzhen Traffic Police photo showing a man on a chair in the beam of car headlights with a police officer next to him

Drivers who are caught are also slapped with a fine


Police in southern China are punishing drivers who dazzle other road users with full-beam headlights by making them stare into the lights for a minute, it's reported.


Shenzhen Traffic Police posted photos of the campaign in action on their official Weibo account. "Tonight we are carrying out punishments using a high beam," the post reads. It's racked up 87,000 likes and been shared 93,000 times. The photos show people sitting directly in front of a car with its headlights on.


Official media say drivers are fined 300 yuan ($44; £36) and made to spend 60 seconds in front of the beam. But some news websites have suggested that the headlight element is optional, although it's unclear why people would choose it on top of paying a fine.


The force faced criticism for a similar initiative in 2014, but nonetheless decided to start it up again on Tuesday. This time around, the reaction has been largely positive. Several other local police forces gave it the thumbs-up on their social media accounts, and a poll on the mainstream Sina news portal found that 90% of people approved.


On the Weibo microblogging site, many people agree. "Am I the only one who thought a minute was too short?" reads one comment, which garnered 12,000 likes from other users. Another person feels the campaign is "long overdue", while one berates "selfish, inconsiderate drivers". A few people are concerned that the punishment could seriously damage eyesight, and one declares: "This is a human rights violation".









Interessante anche questo paragrafo... andrebbe implementato pure da noi...


Shenzhen's traffic police have opted for unconventional penalties before. Last year, they made jaywalkers choose between paying a fine or wearing a green hat and vest while directing traffic.


Modificato da ISO-8707
  • Mi Piace 2

E no vabbé, tu stai lì a fare piani dei trasporti, e dal niente la vita ti regala un nuovo role model.



PS: no, non erano in coda.

  • Mi Piace 1

There's no replacement for displacement.


Anche tu ti ecciti palpeggiando pezzi di plastica? Perché stare qui a discutere con chi non ti può capire? Esprimi la tua vera passione passando a questo sito!

Inviato (modificato)




2 giorni  con PS, in realtà circa una settimana


All utilities were restored on a trial basis Saturday night at the site of a recent massive sinkhole near a busy station in Fukuoka City, western Japan.
A road that runs through a commercial district suddenly caved in near JR Hakata Station on Tuesday morning. Workers toiled nonstop to restore utilities. They have nearly completed filling the sinkhole.
The water supply was fully resumed Friday. Gas became available Saturday afternoon. Phone and Internet connections were almost fully restored on Saturday night.
Fukuoka city officials plan to finish road repairs and reopen for traffic on Monday night. Evacuation advisories for 3 buildings will also be lifted.
City officials said it was subway construction work at the site that caused the cave-in.



Modificato da AleMcGir
  • Mi Piace 1
28 minuti fa, AleMcGir dice:




2 giorni  con PS, in realtà circa una settimana



Tutto ciò mi manda in bestia ... da noi, porca trota, per rifare un ponte dalla incredibile campata di 20 - forse 25 - metri sulla SS10 ci mettono 8/10 mesi. Che paese di merda siamo ( almeno su questi aspetti ). 

  • Mi Piace 1

Le opinioni sono come le palle: ognuno ha le sue

1 minuto fa, dindi dice:

Tutto ciò mi manda in bestia ... da noi, porca trota, per rifare un ponte dalla incredibile campata di 20 - forse 25 - metri sulla SS10 ci mettono 8/10 mesi. Che paese di merda siamo ( almeno su questi aspetti ). 


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