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Ferrari's Classiche Division Is the Master of Rebuilding Icons, Even Wrecked F40s

Classiche is more than a restoration shop; it's Maranello's history, kept alive.


By Lucas Bell

Published: Feb 21, 2025 2:22 PM EST


Accidents happen. No matter how careful the driver or valuable the car, there’s a risk for serious damage every time a vehicle leaves the garage. And while any number of collision shops can handle a Toyota Camry bumper swap, the world looks a lot different when you wreck a rare, vintage Ferrari.

Luckily for those unfortunate owners, Ferrari’s Classiche department is ready to assist with repairs and restoration should, say, a random technician bin your F40.

Ferrari Classiche was launched in 2006 by then-president Luca di Montezemolo. Housed in the company’s old foundry building on the Maranello campus, the team ensures the long-term viability of the brand’s icons. While they provide support for older racing machines, the department's primary focus is the brand’s road cars of more than 20 years of age; maintenance work, repairs, and even literal factory-fresh restorations are at the core of what they do. And the work isn’t limited to the home base in Italy; 48 Classiche Certified dealers are strung across the globe, with 11 in the United States.



Modificato da pennellotref

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