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'spe un po'... Mi hai incuriosito... Forse ci conosciamo ma mi pare strano dal nickname.. Facciamo la "prova del 9"... Se ti dico "ricontestualizzazione" che mi rispondi?

Che evidentemente non ci conosciamo dal vero.

Statisticamente, il 98% dei ragazzi nel mondo ha provato a fumare qualsiasi cosa. Se sei fra il 2%, copia e incolla questa frase nella tua firma

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Frustrated Hellcat Driver Has 7 Rules For Not Embarrassing Yourself

Frustrated Hellcat Driver Has 7 Rules For Not Embarrassing Yourself


Patrick George

I told you driving a Dodge Challenger SRT Hellcat wasn't easy! People act like all you have to do is mash the throttle for instant tire-melting American glory, and then they wonder how they end up in a ditch. Imagine that: a 707 horsepower, rear-drive car that's kind of tricky.

YouTube user bigtruckseriesreview is here to help. See, he's tired of Hellcat drivers looking like jackwagons in videos and probably on this very website; he's sick of seeing them lose to Teslas or Italian exotics or the police thanks to user error.

He's here with some rules Hellcat owners should follow to avoid embarrassment on the Internet. I've copied them below to save time, but you should definitely watch his (NSFW-ish due to language) video take on the situation, because it's hilarious.

Only use the red key

Use the shift-light system

You need wider rear tires

Do not race anything with AWD

Do not race anything with retracting spoilers

Do not race electric vehicles

Do not race any jet aircraft

I merely take issue with that last one. If I want to drag race a jet plane, it's my God-given right to do so as an American. That's in the Constitution somewhere. Or the Bible. Both, I think.


. “There are varying degrees of hugs. I can hug you nicely, I can hug you tightly, I can hug you like a bear, I can really hug you. Everything starts with physical contact. Then it can degrade, but it starts with physical contact." SM su Autonews :rotfl:

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Ho un Donkey Kong mostruoso per 'sta macchinetta. Sto rischiando seriamente di prenderne una...


Some critics have complained that the 4C lacks luxury. To me, complaining about lack of luxury in a sports car is akin to complaining that a supermodel lacks a mustache.

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Io avevo trovato uno che era disposto a vendermela, ma mi sono tirato indietro: il proprietario, pur dichiarandosene perdutamente innamorato, era troppo ansioso di concludere l'affare.

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Io avevo trovato uno che era disposto a vendermela, ma mi sono tirato indietro: il proprietario, pur dichiarandosene perdutamente innamorato, era troppo ansioso di concludere l'affare.

Magari aveva bisogno di soldi...

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