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Bertone Alfa Romeo BAT11 Concept


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Scusate se devo fare il "bufooone" mah io lo avevo detto gia al principio di questo thread, che potrebe uscire qualcosa di molto interessante , mah come al solito "fa cagare" brutta etc etc etc etc ...

Io sono stato a Ginevra eh non lo vista (mah va fan....lo) , piu interessante che 90% delle macchine al autosalone!!!

"The trouble with the world is that the stupid are cocksure and the intelligent are full of doubt." -Bertrand Russell

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IN “FUORI SALONE” STYLE . By Giancarlo Perini © Photo: Archivio Perini ©.

From Car Styling magazine, issue 184, May 2008.


The other event that took place in Geneva, but not under the roof of the Motor Show, was the unveiling of the Bertone B.A.T. 11 at the La Sip nightclub, usually a reserve for Lesbians & Gays, but retained that night by the organisers for their “high level social networking” guests, whatever this means. An attitude that might explains why the event has modest sponsorships and is likely to keep sponsors away for some time.

Let’s make clear here that the clone of the original Automotive Designers Night, promoted and organised by Car Styling and his partners since the 1987 Tokyo Motor Show, has nothing to do with this “AutoDesignNight”. 2619945825_a3ddb5b709.jpg?v=0

That was not a good reason to keep us away from the unveiling of the Bertone Bat 11 there and to share the very friendly and supportive atmosphere that confirmed that Marie Jeanne Bertone was right in taking the design study to Geneva, despite the family quarrels that led to the cancellation of the official unveiling at the Show. The first time in more than 50 years.

B.A.T. stands for Berlinetta Aerodinamica Tecnica, Italian for Aerodynamic Technical Berlinetta.


The Bertone BAT 11 we saw in Geneva is just the full-scale model (with a glance to the interior through the windows) of the car that Stile Bertone is committed to build for Gary Kaberle, past owner of the Bertone B.A.T. 9, and hopefully to be ready for the Pebble Beach’s Concourse d’Elegance this August. The story behind Mr. Kaberle’s reason to promote and finance the construction of the B.A.T. of the third millennium (and of the third Bertone generation) is unique and we plan to tell you as soon as the actual car is ready to run.


At this time, let us focus on the exterior design. David Wilkie is positive on few basic guidelines. Although the design has to maintain - and indeed stress - the spirit of the first generation of B.A.T. (born from the talent and creativity of Franco Scaglione, and hence its futuristic look and spectacular fins if the first half of the nineteen fifties) the new B.A.T. had to be anything but a re-make of any of the three originals.

The B.A.T. 11 had to be the fourth in the series and thus be as innovative, dramatically spectacular and clearly different from anything else at this time.


The recent Alfa Romeo 8c Competition provided the starting point for the project and indeed the car will be built with mechanicals from Alfa Romeo, even though the chassis is that of the Maserati Granturismo, which wheelbase (some 300 mm. longer) fits better with the stunning proportions of the BAT.


Its overall dimensions are impressive for a sport car, and much different from the earlier BATs. The BAT 11 is 4.9 meters long, 1.9 meters wide, and 1.2 meters high and its style clearly emphasises some of the most distinguishing elements of the BAT concept. Tapered fins and faired wheels to start with. The metal surface nicely combines hard and soft lines, straights and curvatures, within the monolithic sculpture emerging from the integrated body.

The fins have been designed to sort of wrapping the rear half of the car. At the rear one finds a suspended spoiler running lengthwise which uses a specific anchoring system and a continuous flow of surfaces, volumes and open spaces that are uncovered piece by piece depending on the perspective. Especially at the front, the surface is faceted like a diamond to give strength to the light metal skin and a strong character to the design. Valery Muller, the designer who has penned the BAT 11, says he was inspired by the mountain he loves to climb and pointed to the peak that sits just behind Stile Bertone design studios.


The car has a strong character, originating from its long hood, the sleek profile, the low widows combined with the high waistline and the cooling foils provided to optimize brake cooling. The front fender tightly covering the sophisticated wheels are mobile and come with an electronic opening and closing system linked to the steering wheel to guarantee easy steering when parking.


On their turn, the 21” faired wheels with Pirelli tires add a strong tough to character of the car. They are inspired by the spokes wheels of the past and are fixed to the hub; they are made of alloy rims and carbon fibre segmented helical spokes that let one catch a glimpse of the Brembo brake callipers.

According to David Wilkie, director of design at Stile Bertone, the doors will open towards the front and slightly upwards, allowing access to the simple yet elegant two-seat cockpit in line with the BAT concept. The dashboard is designed in wood, curved in the lower part on the driver’s side.

Auto Design Blog Archive BERTONE B.A.T. 11 UNVEILED IN GENEVA















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