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Nissan Denki Cube Concept (Foto Ufficiali)

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The Denki Cube Concept should be capable of traveling 100 miles per charge at a top speed of 75 mph. A recharge of the lithium-ion batteries should take about 8 hours.

Nissan has started a new joint venture with NEC to produce the small EV. Whether Nissan has acted early enough is questionable now that Subaru will announce a collaboration in regards to testing their R1e EV with the New York Power Authority over the summer at the NYIAS.


La Nissan prensenterà al Salone di New York una variante elettrica della sua Cube (che se non erro si appresta a sbarcare negli states) .

 News al 02/12/2015: Mazda 2.

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Sempre a NY




To celebrate the announcement, Nissan turned to New York's Pratt Institute of Industrial Design to create some innovative and aesthetically pleasing exterior and interior treatments that will communicate the Cube's personality and style to the masses attending the show here this week. Nissan is calling the project "Automobile Meets Art."

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