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Ford Capri (Photoshop)


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  • 2 anni fa...

Ford has announced that there are no plans by the company to produce a coupé version of its new Focus.

The announcement comes after recent internet speculation claiming the car would make its debut as a concept at next month's Detroit motor show before going on sale in 2012.

Mike Schirmer, Ford’s communications manager, commented in a post on the new Focus’s Facebook page: “Wild speculation about a Focus coupé is making the rounds on websites in Europe. I can tell you right now - and the coupé lovers hate to hear this - but there are no plans for this model.”

Clarifying his comments with Automobile magazine, Schirmer added: “There are no plans for any coupé or three-door hatch or whatever you want to call it.


Rien à faire! ;)

 News al 02/12/2015: Mazda 2.

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