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Ufficiale Tata Motors acquista Jaguar e Land Rover

Guest -jag-

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Jaguar-Land Rover: 383 mln perdite

Tata Motors, per i due marchi ricavi per 7 mld

(ANSA) - ROMA, 23 SET - Jaguar e Land Rover, i due marchi acquisiti dal gruppo indiano Tata Motors, hanno perso 383 milioni di dollari fra gennaio e il primo giugno. Lo ha comunicato la stessa Tata Motors, precisando che i ricavi dei due marchi sono stati di 7,07 miliardi di dollari nello stesso periodo. Tata Motors aveva rilevato Jaguar e Land Rover dal colosso statunitense Ford Motor.

Fonte ANSA
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Questi sono i dati reali!

Tata Motors clarification on Jaguar Land Rover financial performance

There have been media reports on Jaguar Land Rover's financial performance for the period Jan. 1 - June 1, 2008, of having made a loss of USD 383 million.

We wish to clarify that

a) Tata Motors believes that the earnings before interest and tax - EBIT (prior to adjustments) represents the performance of the Jaguar Land Rover operations for the period Jan 1, 2008 - June 1, 2008 and for June 1, 2008 - June 30, 2008.

The relevant EBIT are reproduced below for ready reference:

Jan. 1 - June 1, 2008June 2 - June 30, 2008EBIT (prior to adjustments)US$ 625 millionUS/$ 63 million

B) As explained in the Letter of Offer dated September 18, 2008, adjustments and provision for tax figures, indicated below EBIT (prior to adjustments), primarily relate to Ford consolidation or accounting adjustments and hence are not reflective of Jaguar Land Rover's business performance.

c) The acquisition for Jaguar Land Rover's business, which was part of Ford's operation, was consummated on June 2, 2008 and the purchase consideration of USD 2.3 billion was decided on a "cash free debt free basis" and hence such purchase consideration amount remains unaffected by the payment of dividends to Ford prior to acquisition by Tata Motors.

Dal sito ufficiale Tata Motor
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Aggiungo anche questo report.

JLR denies £200m loss

25 September 2008

Jaguar and Land Rover have denied reports that the companies lost £206m in the first six months of this year.

“It’s a matter of record that we made an operating profit of £371m [$625m] in the first half of this year,” said company director Don Hume.

The loss figure of £206m surfaced in a prospectus issued as part of Tata’s fund-raising for the JLR purchase and was picked up by agencies in Mumbai, where Tata has its headquarters.

“When Ford sold JLR it chose to write off assets, taxes and liabilities against JLR,” said Hume, “but we are a profitable company.”

A statement from Tata said: “These are adjustments relating to Ford consolidation or accounting adjustments and hence not reflective of JLR’s business performance.”

Analysts’ recent concern over Jaguar’s US sales figures has proved unfounded.

Jaguar sold 10,925 cars in the US and Canada in the first half of 2008, compared with a total of 13,994 for the whole of 2007. Land Rover has sold 16,505 cars in North America in the same period, compared with 56,069 for 2007.

Globally, Jaguar sold 55,890 cars last year and had already sold 39,963 by the end of June this year.

Ed Keohane



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Aggiungo anche questo report.

JLR denies £200m loss

25 September 2008

Jaguar and Land Rover have denied reports that the companies lost £206m in the first six months of this year.

“It’s a matter of record that we made an operating profit of £371m [$625m] in the first half of this year,” said company director Don Hume.

The loss figure of £206m surfaced in a prospectus issued as part of Tata’s fund-raising for the JLR purchase and was picked up by agencies in Mumbai, where Tata has its headquarters.

“When Ford sold JLR it chose to write off assets, taxes and liabilities against JLR,” said Hume, “but we are a profitable company.”

A statement from Tata said: “These are adjustments relating to Ford consolidation or accounting adjustments and hence not reflective of JLR’s business performance.”

Analysts’ recent concern over Jaguar’s US sales figures has proved unfounded.

Jaguar sold 10,925 cars in the US and Canada in the first half of 2008, compared with a total of 13,994 for the whole of 2007. Land Rover has sold 16,505 cars in North America in the same period, compared with 56,069 for 2007.

Globally, Jaguar sold 55,890 cars last year and had already sold 39,963 by the end of June this year.

Ed Keohane


Sisi, è Autocar che riporta il comunicatto ufficiale Tata Motors. L'importante è far chiarezza.

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