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March 26, 2008 - Zotye Holding Group Co will unveil its own brand models built on technologies from discontinued Fiat models at next month's Beijing Auto Show, Xinhua News Agency reported.

Zotye Holding has bought from Fiat the assembly line and tooling and intellectual property rights for the Lancia Lybra by the middle of last year. Officials from both sides however, declined to give details about the transaction payment.

In the near future a 1.6-liter, Lancia Lybra will be produced under Zotye's brand in China.

According to Zotye officials, the company may go further to buy about ten other Fiat models in future, including Fiat Multipla, to reach its output target of 100,000 vehicles in 2008.

Zotye Holding was formed in 1992 in Yongkang City, Zhejiang province, as an automotive sheet metal supplier and entered the auto industry as of 2006. Currently it is expanding its main manufacturing base in Hunan for further expansion.

The company sold 31,577 units of its existing Zotye2008 vehicles during 2007. The automaker aims to sell 500,000 vehicles a year with sales revenue of RMB 50 billion ($7.1 billion) by 2012.


According to Zotye officials, the company may go further to buy about ten other Fiat models in future, including Fiat Multipla, to reach its output target of 100,000 vehicles in 2008.


Mi sa che forse solo nel 2000 erano riusciti a produrre 100.000 fra muuultipla e lybra.

Senza cuore saremmo solo macchine.......


According to Zotye officials, the company may go further to buy about ten other Fiat models in future, including Fiat Multipla, to reach its output target of 100,000 vehicles in 2008.


Mi sa che forse solo nel 2000 erano riusciti a produrre 100.000 fra muuultipla e lybra.

parla di altri 10 modelli fiat inclusa Multipla

Ciao e buona giornata



quindi microproduzioni.........

Si e no.

In effetti parla di acquisizione di altri 10 modelli, ma parla di targhet di 100mila per il 2008.

E ovviamente quest'anno non andrà oltre alla produzione di Lybra e, forse, di qualche Multipla.

Informazioni un po' sibilline o messe giù a caso.


According to Zotye officials, the company may go further to buy about ten other Fiat models in future, including Fiat Multipla, to reach its output target of 100,000 vehicles in 2008.


Mi sa che forse solo nel 2000 erano riusciti a produrre 100.000 fra muuultipla e lybra.

According to Zotye officials, the company may go further to buy about ten other Fiat models in future, including Fiat Multipla, to reach its output target of 100,000 vehicles in 2008.

parlano di 10 modelli per arrivare ai 100k. Non solo libbra e multipla;)


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