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Professor Peter Pfeiffer joined the Daimler-Benz group fourty years ago, and a decade later, he became the Head of the “Design PKW und NFZ” department (Passenger Car and Commercial Vehicle Design). After good years of service, the Chief Designer of the Stuttgart-based automaker will humbly retire this year; at the age of 65.

He will be succeeded by Gorden Wagener, the current Head of Strategic Advanced Design department and Director of the Mercedes design studios in California and Japan.

Under the eyes of Pfeiffer, the design of Mercedes grew tremendously to be a respectable mark, says Dr. Thomas Weber, member of the Daimler Board of Management. Pfeiffer, who is much acclaimed for the sophisticated-looking vehicles from Mercedes in recent times, had penned some of the most important cars that contributed to the brand’s success. That includes the S-Class, the CL- Coupé, the new C-Class, the new SL sports car, the SUV (R, M, and G-Class) family, the Maybach luxury limousines, the Smart Fortwo city car, and many more. He is also the current President of the German Design Council.

In short, his designs have always combined continuity, creativity, tradition, and modern features into their cars. Thanks to him; a Mercedes-Benz will always be recognizable as a Mercedes-Benz.


Pfeiffer va in pensione (sia lodato il signore) :lol: .. gli succederà il designer Wagener che comunque è già un pezzo grosso.. quindi non so fino a che punto sia una manna dal cielo..

 News al 02/12/2015: Mazda 2.


sia lodato gesù cristo

torneranno a far bei macchinoni


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