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Fin troppo riuscita bene davanti.

Dietro avrei visto bene una qualche nervaturina sul portellone, perchè visto così fa un po' spavento per quanto è esteso rispetto al resto della coda. :)

  • 2 settimane fa...

Su che base è cstruita questa? Non ricordo se era la Citroen ZX o la Peugeot 306.

La plancia è la stessa della Xsara.

Fiat Grande Punto 1.3 Multijet 90 cv 5 porte Emotion. Bella rossa fiammante!!!

Mia, ti voglio tanto bene!

  • 10 mesi fa...




New Citroen C-Elysee hatchback released today

Shanghai, February 26 ( Dongfeng Peugeot Citroen Automobile Company (DPCA), a 50-50 joint venture between Chinese carmaker Dongfeng Motor and French auto giant Peugeot Citroen, released its all-new Citroen C-Elysee hatchback today in Beijing, said.

The new Citroen C-Elysee hatchback has three editions available, with the SX manual version priced at 81,800 yuan ($1,198), the X manual version at 73,800 yuan and the X automatic version at 84,800 yuan. All 4S stores of DPCA began to receive orderings for the new hatchback, which will go to the Chinese market in mid-March.

With most of its features like those of the new Citroen C-Elysee sedan, the all-new Citroen C-Elysee hatchback is also powered with a 78kw 1.6-liter engine, which meets the China IV emission standard, and equipped with the leading domestic brand-new BOSCH 8.1 ABS+EBD system for an excellent mix of maneuverability and safety. Its chassis and body has been upgraded to reduce the driving noise.

In 2008, the sales of DPCA's new Citroen C-Elysee reached 55,205 units, rising 75% from its sales in 2007 and exceeding this sedan model's sales target by 10%. The new Citroen C-Elysee posted the fastest sales growth last year for the first time in China's sedan segment of this kind. In January 2009, the Dongfeng Citroen series sold 12,414 units, up 107% year on year.

The new Citroen C-Elysee sedan model sold 7,500 units last month and this high sales record has encouraged DPCA to launch its Citroen C-Elysee hatchback model to meet the market demand. Besides the new C-Elysee hatchback, Dongfeng Peugeot Citroen will launch two other new Citroen models this year: C-Quatre sedan and new C5.


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