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[China] Chery A7 (spy)


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Chery A6 - spy pics!

The Chery A6 is set to replace the rapidly aging Chery Eastar, which was Chery’s first attempt at making a full size sedan. The Eastar has sold very well in China, and has had a limited success in the overseas market where it was launched. The competition quickly caught up with the Eastar and sales began to flag, the never version, which has been renamed A6, looks set to upset the market with its stunning new look.

The Chery A6 looks to be vastly different to the previous model - gone are the superflous lines, the A6 has gone with a stout new look which matches its Audi A6, and even has a hint of Audi A8 around the rear.

A new addition to the A6 for 2009 will be a 2.0TCI engine, and also a limo version (probably not this one though), overall it is expected that the A6 will cost around 10,000rmb more than the original Eastar due to improved quality and other refinements.



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