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L'Amérique du Nord est le seul marché dans lequel Fiat n'est pas présent.

Le premier ministre cannadien Dalton McGuinty se rendra en Italie la semaine prochaine pour s'entretenir avec les dirigeants de Fiat au sujet de la possible venue du fabricant d'autos en Ontario.

La province canadienne n'est pas seule dans la course pour attirer Fiat en Amérique du Nord. Les États du Tennessee et de l'Alabama tentent de la prendre de vitesse.

L'Ontario essaie de convaincre Fiat de s'installer sur son territoire depuis au moins trois ans. Cette fois-ci, l'entreprise semble être beaucoup plus ouverte à la possibilité de le faire.

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Alfa Romeo could build cars in Mexico for U.S.


March 4, 2008 - 3:25 pm ET

GENEVA (Reuters) -- Italy's Fiat SpA is considering Mexico as a base to build its Alfa Romeo sports cars for export to the United States, a huge market where it plans to return sometime after 2008.

Fiat has been thinking about building the cars somewhere in North America to avoid the cost of exporting them from Italy, given the euro's strength against the dollar.

"It could be Mexico," CEO Sergio Marchionne told Reuters Tuesday at the Geneva auto show when asked whether that country could be a likely location for a plant.

Fiat should decide later this year what to do, he added.

The head of Alfa Romeo, Luca De Meo, told Reuters in an interview that he and his team have yet to decide on what models to sell in the United States.

Details including the kind of distribution network to use should be disclosed in the coming months, he said.

Although Marchionne had previously set 2009 as the year to enter the United States, De Meo declined to confirm it.

But he said he had already started thinking about other markets where Alfa Romeo is present by reputation only.

"The United States is fine but there are also other regions where Alfa Romeo can use its image (to its advantage)," he said, citing China, Russia and South America as possibilities.

De Meo spoke to Reuters after showing off a convertible version of the Alfa 8C, a special edition car. Like the hardtop 8C, only 500 units of the convertible version will be sold.

De Meo took charge of Alfa Romeo in December after succeeding in turning around the Fiat brand.

Alfa Romeo is seen by analysts as a bigger challenge for him, however.

Although it could generate the biggest profit margins among Fiat's three brands, it needs a lot of work.

Its sales are mediocre and it loses trunkloads of money.

Years of poor parts and service have given it a bad name, denying it the premium status enjoyed by rivals like Volkswagen AG's Audi and BMW AG.

De Meo's predecessor, Antonio Baravalle, had focused on improving customer service and expanding the dealer network in Germany and United Kingdom, two key markets in which to expand.

The revival of the brand has included a refurbishment of its main plant at Pomigliano d'Arco in Italy; but the plant's closure for the last two months has led to a loss of sales.

De Meo said one of his priorities this year is to try to recover those sales.

Another priority is the launch of a compact car with the working name of the Junior. The car would mark Alfa Romeo's entry into a new segment with a younger clientele.

As he works towards the 2010 sales targets set by Marchionne for every division within the Fiat industrial group, De Meo said he hopes to restore Alfa Romeo's place among premium brands by the time of its 100th anniversary on June 25, 2010.

"We need to restore the values of Alfa Romeo," he said, adding that the brand's birthday could be marked by the launch of a new model apart from the 149 and 169 scheduled to come to market in the coming years.

Due i punti fondamentali, che potrebbe produrre auto in Mexico per il Nord America e dovrebbe prendere una decisione entro la fine dell'anno, da quello che so Canada e' l'altra opzione...e infine dicendo che dobbiamo restaurare i valori alfa romeo conferma che al 100imo compleanno di Alfa Romeo potrebbe essere lanciato un nuovo modello che non e' 940 oppure 941...


***Fiat: governo Ontario il 21 maggio a Torino per parlare di impianto Alfa

(Il Sole 24 Ore Radiocor) - Milano, 08 mag - Si profila uno

stabilimento canadese per l'Alfa Romeo. Il premier

dell'Ontario, Dalton McGuinty, sara' infatti a Torino il 21

maggio nell'ambito di un viaggio-lampo in Europa, dove le

uniche tappe sono un giorno in Inghilterra e un giorno in

Italia, a Torino, dove incontrera' Sergio Marchionne per

convincerlo ad aprire in Ontario uno stabilimento Alfa

Romeo. Cosi' a "il Sole 24 Ore Radiocor' un portavoce

dell'ufficio di McGuinty


Speriamo bene che qualunque sia il luogo scelto per uno stabilimento per l'america del nord valga bene per tutto il gruppo e si punti con forza sulla 500 dal momento che per la prima volta nella storia anche in quella zona stanno "esplodendo" (in rapporto al passato) le vendite di piccole auto ed economiche, cosa ripetuta anche ieri al Tg..

Speriamo bene che qualunque sia il luogo scelto per uno stabilimento per l'america del nord valga bene per tutto il gruppo e si punti con forza sulla 500 dal momento che per la prima volta nella storia anche in quella zona stanno "esplodendo" (in rapporto al passato) le vendite di piccole auto ed economiche, cosa ripetuta anche ieri al Tg..

Ok 500 ma perchè no anche la meno piccola MitOOOO.....alla fine forse per alfa meglio entrare in america con Mitooo piuttosto che con le attuali brera-finta spider....

Anzi a pensare meglio per gli USA il nome Mito è forse meglio che JUNIOR.

Senza cuore saremmo solo macchine.......


955 andrà al 99,999% in USA, sicuramente prima di 500, insieme al resto della gamma.

Il problema location dell'impianto è cruciale. Il Canada è ottimo ma molto + caro dall'energia al labor, il Messico è + cheap come costo del lavoro.

Forse forse al solito in medio stat virtus, ed apunto non per nulla MB e Bmw hanno scelto Alabama e South Carolina: gli stati del sud USA hanno energia a buon mercato, lavoro specializzato a costi inferiori rispetto agli stati del nord (anche se + cari del Mexico), ottimi collegamenti e super contratti fiscali con le amministrazioni locali (il sud ha ancora problemi di occupazione e fanno carte false per avere industrie).

L'importante è esserci, anzi è indispensabile, però io voto per uno stato del sud USA rispetto a tutto il resto.

"The great enemy of the truth is very often not the lie -- deliberate, contrived and dishonest -- but the myth -- persistent, persuasive and unrealistic"

(John Fitzgerald Kennedy)

"We are the Borg. Lower your shields and surrender your ships. We will add your biological and technological distinctiveness to our own. Your culture will adapt to service us. Resistance is futile!"

"Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, but not their own facts!"


Escludendo 8C non ci sarà una prima ed una seconda... arivva la gamma intera esclusa (ad oggi) 940.

Si 2010, anche se Q4 2009 potrebbe essere l'inizio...

"The great enemy of the truth is very often not the lie -- deliberate, contrived and dishonest -- but the myth -- persistent, persuasive and unrealistic"

(John Fitzgerald Kennedy)

"We are the Borg. Lower your shields and surrender your ships. We will add your biological and technological distinctiveness to our own. Your culture will adapt to service us. Resistance is futile!"

"Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, but not their own facts!"


Nessun contatto con Chrysler per rilevare un suo sito produttivo in USA?

"All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed, second it is violently opposed, and third, it is accepted as self-evident." (Arthur Schopenhauer)


Volkswagen Scirocco 1.4 TSI 160cv Viper Green (venduta)

BMW M4 DKG Competition Package 450cv Sapphire Black

Jeep Renegade 1.0 T3 Limited 

Fiat eyes Mexico to serve North and South America

TURIN -- Fiat is currently eyeing Mexico as the location for a plant that would supply both North and South America, people familiar to the matter told Automotive News Europe this week.

To cope with the weak dollar, Fiat needs production in North America after its Alfa Romeo brand returns in the U.S. in late 2009.

At the same time, demand in South America is growing faster than Fiat capacity increases and the company said it needs more production for the region.

Mexico is strategically located to balance its output between Fiat's needs in North and South America.

Talking to financial analysts late last month, Fiat Group and Fiat Group Automobiles CEO Sergio Marchionne said the company needs additional capacity for South America.

"Where that capacity will come from is not yet decided. I think that it may be part of a North American solution, especially in terms of the introduction of the Alfa brand", Marchionne said.

Fiat earlier this year said it was scouting for a plant to build Alfa Romeo cars in the United States. The company planned to choose a location by the end of May.

Two possibilities were being considered, sources familiar with the project said at the time: Buying a shuttered factory formerly owned by one of the Detroit 3. Or Fiat could expand an existing Case New Holland agricultural machinery or construction equipment plant. Fiat owns Case New Holland, which operates 11 plants in North America


"The trouble with the world is that the stupid are cocksure and the intelligent are full of doubt." -Bertrand Russell

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