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Suzuki Kizashi Sedan (Spy)

Touareg 2.5

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suzuki come è stato già detto ha cancellato dai piani la kizashi ... poi in italia di solito nn vediamo muletti esteri che girano per l'italia ...

si tratterà ho di una low-cost fiat pensata per gli italiani

oppure una fiat bravo berlina 3 volumi(marea)

oppure ancora chery della dr ...

anche pkè nn ricordo che astra, corsa ne chevrolet usino quelle maniglie ...

una dr basta vedere la mascherina bombata in mezzo cm la dr5 dr3 e dr1 ...

comunque nn sarebbe niente male ... o che si tratti di una berlina cinese che vende qua in italia la martin motors ?? bo poi vedremo cosa ne uscirà fuori

(il tipo che guida è cinese fa sempre più venire in mente ad una dr ) centra qualche cosa ???

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Notizia smentita dalla stessa Suzuki ;)

Suzuki Kizashi premature death not true (official)

Yesterday we reported, that Suzuki has canceled Kizashi program. Now Suzuki spokesman Jeff Holland has told AN, “The production version will debut at this year’s New York auto show in April.” Why was Japanese newspaper Nikkei talking about cancellation? It is very uncommon that Japanese newspapers get their facts and sources mixed/wrong.

If its really the production version that Suzuki is debuting, then in April it should be clear when and where will the car go on sale.

Suzuki Kizashi concept was revealed last year at the New York Auto Show and production ready prototype was spotted last October on the Nürburgring.

For U.S.customers, Kizashi should be a good alternative to Toyota’s Camry and Chevrolet Malibu.

Power-wise, we’re expecting the base model to be equipped with a 150+ horsepower 2.3-liter 4-cylinder engine, and the top-of-the-line Kizashi will be powered by a 3.6-liter V6 (with 280 to 300 bhp) mated to a 6-speed automatic transmission. The price will range from $21,000 to $28,000 in the U.S.


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