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Gm chiude fabbrica suv

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Demand for larger vehicles in the US is on the wane

General Motors is closing four truck and sports utility vehicle (SUV) plants in the US, Canada and Mexico as it looks to environmentally-friendly cars.

Recent strikes at some GM factories have dented production of SUVs.

And surging fuel prices have heralded a shift to smaller vehicles, with GM also considering scrapping its Hummer brand.

But GM's board has approved production of a new small Chevrolet car at a plant in Ohio and the Chevy Volt electric vehicle in Detroit.

Boss Rick Waggoner said plants to be closed are in Oshawa, Ontario, Canada; Moraine, Ohio; Janesville, Wisconsin; and Toluca in Mexico.

The world's largest automaker said it was making the moves "to aggressively respond to growing demand for fuel-efficient vehicles and to economic and market challenges in North America".



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ecco in italiano

DETROIT - General Motors chiudera' quattro fabbriche di autocarri, Suv e pickup nel prossimo biennio. La decisione e' la conseguenza dei prezzi troppo alti dei carburanti, che spinge alla produzione di automobili piu' piccole ed economiche. Le aziende si trovano a Janesville, nel Wisconsin), Moraine, in Ohio, Silao, in Messico, e Oshawa, in Canada. (Agr)


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io aggiungo .


Strategic assessment for Hummer brand. Finally, GM is undertaking a strategic review of the Hummer brand to determine its fit within the GM portfolio. At this point, the company is considering all options, from a complete revamp of the product lineup to a partial or complete sale of the brand.

Da congress

June 3, 2008

... Le Alfa del futuro, Mazda a parte, dovrebbero essere ingegnerizzate là. Ma io dovrei comprare un'Alfa fatta dagli ingegneri della Chrysler ?

( Cit . Giugiaro da Quattroruote )

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io aggiungo .


Strategic assessment for Hummer brand. Finally, GM is undertaking a strategic review of the Hummer brand to determine its fit within the GM portfolio. At this point, the company is considering all options, from a complete revamp of the product lineup to a partial or complete sale of the brand.

Da congress

June 3, 2008


Il mio sito "Gruppo Hainz": - I miei articoli su Automotivespace - E quando ci sarà il nuovo sito di Autopareri anche su - I video del salone di Ginevra 2012

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Guest EC2277
secondo me sono talmente geni che iniziano a fare suv proprio quando gli altri iniziano questa campagna ecologica se così possiamo definirla:mrgreen:
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