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Jeep Grand Cherokee SRT-8 Facelift (Spy)

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Rising fuel costs have many automakers rethinking their SUV offerings, but Jeep appears to be pressing ahead full speed with an update to its Grand Cherokee SRT-8. It’s not clear exactly what changes the engineers at Chrysler have in store for the 425 horsepower SUV, although it appears the front end will be restyled and a few new options will be added.

Although the engineers made it nearly impossible to get a clear look at the back, our photos do show a pretty significant changes – the exhaust has been moved from the center and is now integrated into the rear bumper on each side. That – and the fact that this prototype is pulling a trailer – leads us to believe that the SRT8 Grand Cherokee will be offered – for the first time – with a towing package.

Although several updates to the 2009 Grand Cherokee have already been made public, we have not heard any rumors about the changes we show here – so we’re not sure if it will be available this coming fall – or midway through the model year.

Given that engineers tried so hard to prevent our photographers from snapping photos, we suspect there are some pretty significant changes in store for the SRT model


Mah, quindi la SRT-8 ancora non aveva subito le modifiche che la Grand Cherokee ricevette piu di un anno fa? Strano..

 News al 02/12/2015: Mazda 2.

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