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16 ore fa, Damynavy scrive:


"Marcello Lippi"? ma sul serio?

  • Ahah! 1

Fiat 127 - 903 ab | Fiat Regata 100 S i.e. | Daewoo Nubira SW 1600 SX-Fiat Panda Young 750 ab ('89) | Fiat Punto Easy 1.2 Nero Tenore

Camper Adria Coral 655 Sp su Ducato Maxi 2.8 jtd 127cv

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On 3/12/2021 at 15:48, J-Gian scrive:



Pare che Airbus stia introducendo delle modifiche in merito:


[...] LONDON, UK — Airbus is making design changes to its A350 passenger jets amidst a $2 billion conflict with Qatar Airways over surface damage.
The legal battle between the two companies centers around the safety impact of deteriorated surface paint on the aircraft, which has exposed corrosion or gaps in a sub-layer of metallic lightning protection. The issue centers around the use of a layer of copper foil between the carbon fuselage and outer paint on A350 jets, which is designed to allow lightning strikes to be dissipated safely. The case has also sparked a debate on flight safety.

In November 2021, Airbus announced that it was investigating the use of a new material called perforated copper foil (PCF) for its A350 passenger jets. The company decided to explore this option due to the material's lighter weight compared to the current expanded copper foil (ECF) and because it would potentially reduce cracking. Qatar Airways, which is currently engaged in a legal dispute with Airbus over surface damage on the A350 jets, has called on the company to provide more information about the change. Airbus has confirmed that it began using the new material on a limited basis in late 2021.

"PCF is being used on rear-section parts on aircraft delivered from the end of 2022," an Airbus spokesman said. [...]


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On 9/3/2023 at 10:31, Damynavy scrive:


NO. mi manca sia il 350 che il 787....che l'A380! Porca vacca me ne mancano troppi.


Comunque Damy sento parlare benissimo del 350, tu che ne dici? mio cuore è di questi tre airliners:


- Air One - B737-200 (ho volato un VCE-FCO ad agosto......che sound quei Pratt & Whitney.......e che fumo!!!!!!:cuore:)

- ATi - McDonell-Douglas DC9-30 (anche qui....i Pratt......:cuore:)

- Alitalia Boeing 747-200 "Argentario".....ebbi l'onore di fare il volo inaugurale del velivolo che fu FCO-MXP-NRT per di più in cabina di pilotaggio. Ero già malato di aviazione. Uno dei voli più belli di cui abbia memoria.

  • Mi Piace 1

in garage: MY22 BMW M3 Competition Xdrive G80 + MY22 Jaguar F-Pace SVR


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