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non capisco come un marchio itaiano di auto sportive si possa rifornire di motori alla mercedes, è una cosa inammissibile

Soldi, e poi se avrà scelto quei motori ci sarà un perchè, no?

Non penso che si sia svegliato la mattina e per fare uno sgarbo a noi abbia installato quel motore in quella macchina, aggiungerei magnifica io.

E' difficile far andare avanti un'azienda sapete...mica i soldi cadono dal cielo

"Se una persona non ha più sogni, non ha più alcuna ragione di vivere. Sognare è necessario, anche se nel sogno va intravista la realtà. Per me è uno dei principi della vita"- Senna Ayrton

Ayrton, mi manchi

  • 3 mesi fa...

News: Mystery supercar from Modena

When we first heard about Project 1221, it was April Fools' Day, but regular updates on its progress have since been appearing on the independent Italian car enthusiasts' website, The Modena-based Project 1221's car, called the MF1, is said to be an ultra-refined, luxurious supercar developed to rival the Bugatti Veyron, and the first product from an independent group which aims to create top-end boats and aircraft as well as supercars. The "1221" of the title could refer, apparently, to the MF1's power output: a statement from the project team has confirmed that it will have a "four digit" horsepower figure, and a "five-figure" powerband. Ah, and it will cost from 575,000euros (before local taxes); people are said to have placed orders, although not even a computer-generated image of the car is available as yet. It's all very mysterious, and you could be forgiven for thinking that it's a spoof or a scam.

Project 1221 describes itself as an independent group, which declares that it "is not a prestige, niche-market offshoot of some industrial conglomerate, nor does it have any obligation to make shareholders or investors happy. On the other hand, it is not a gratuitous pet project, either." It also has some heavyweight names behind it; chief engineer on the project is Mauro Forghieri, a long-time senior member of the Scuderia Ferrari, F1 legend and former technical director of both Lamborghini Engineering and Bugatti Automobili. His team is based on Modena, but co-ordinating with a design studio in Turin, Beestudio, led by former IDEA designer Anna Visconti. Visconti is working in collaboration with ex-Pininfarina designer Emanuele Nicosia, who worked on the Jaguar XJS convertible, Ferrari 288 GTO and Testarossa, as well as the interiors of the Lamborghini Diablo and Bugatti EB110.

The MF1 is, according to the team's website, a "two-seat berlinetta (coupe) of rare beauty, distinguished by fierce and effortless performance singularly delivered in outstanding comfort and safety." No details of the engine which will power this phenomenal machine as yet, but it's expected to be a V12 giving a greater power-to-weight ratio than that of the Enzo Ferrari; Project 1221 has lofty ambitions for the MF1, positioning it as the fastest production car in the world, and intending it to compete not only at the Le Mans 24 Hours, but - in different specification, presumably - in the Dakar Rally, and to complete a record-breaking high speed run. It will come in either four-wheel drive or rear-wheel drive form, with the option of manual or automatic transmission, and, for the brave, the option of switching off the traction control. Power output would be selectable, with a lower output for everyday driving but the full capacity unleashed for track days, special occasions or sudden impulses&

Other details revealed so far hint at ultra-aerodynamic bodywork, with a teardrop-like shape and no protruding rear-view mirrors, and a mid-engined layout, with access to the cabin via upward-opening 'scissor' doors. It'll be luxurious and comfortable inside, however, with sufficient luggage space: a liftback tail end allows for a large luggage compartment behind the engine, and there will be further loadspace at the front; apparently, it will be capable of carrying more than the usual two golf bags, and can even accommodate ski gear. Project 1221 says that it will eventually have 10-15 dealers worldwide in key territories, and that it is currently putting interested parties through a selection process. It claims to have a distribution plan, and is setting out allocation of specific chassis numbers. A production run of 200 cars is hinted at. The team is quite firm that no previews of the car will be given until enough people have signed up and paid a 20 percent deposit. It seems to have decided to play a bit of a game with the media, and is aiming for a spectacular unveiling, in the meantime issuing cryptic statements via its website. But would you put down over 100,000euros on a car you'd never seen? We're intrigued, anyway, and will be keeping an eye on any further developments.




Ok, ma non ha niente a che vedere con ferrari...

Come prestazioni la f60 sarà sicuramente il riferimento. Solo la miura potrà fargli paura penso.

La 1221 si annuncia di nuovo una macchina pesante e lussuosa.


La Zonda purtroppo ha un aerodinamica che non può essere neanche lontanamente paragonata con quella della Enzo. La zona critica è il posteriore, che non riesce a generare carico aerodinamico sufficente. Ciò nonostante è velocissima, merito anche del gran grip meccanico e del notevole lavoro fatto dagli ingegneri della Pagani. Per quanto riguarda il motore, il V12 Mercedes di 7.3 litri....ovvio che abbia la coppia di un Camion, ma una Enzo è più prestazionale e quel divario di 100 cavalli a 3000 giri non lo senti minimamente, anzi senti che la Enzo, passata in sesta, continua a spingere con immenso vigore, anche superati i 300 orari. La Zonda no....

Poi parlando di pure prestazioni, la C12 S, come tempi sul giro, è sui livelli dell'F430, forse un pelo più prestazionale, nulla di più. In pista Ferrari Enzo e Carrera GT la fanno da padrone.

Stai dicendo che vogliano scendere con il rapporto peso/potenza sotto 1?

Sorry, I should have said that the car will have approximately 1,000 hp/ton, with 1000 - 1200 bhp. So we might see anything in this range:

1000 bhp 1000 kg

1200 bhp 1000 kg

1200 bhp 1200 kg

Note that this is only for the non-armoured version.

Engine power is not yet decided - it depends on many factors that are still being tested.

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