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Caratteristiche treno

La leadership del treno AGV

L'AGV, nuova generazione di treni ad altissima velocità sviluppata da Alstom, prevede il sistema di motorizzazione ripartita su tutto il convoglio, anziché concentrata sulle motrici di testa e di coda. Questo concetto innovativo permette di eliminare le motrici, utilizzando lo spazio liberato per metterlo a disposizione dei passeggeri (capienza a bordo incrementata del 20%).

L’architettura articolata con motorizzazione ripartita, inoltre, elimina gran parte delle vibrazioni e del rumore prodotto dal movimento a bordo, ammortizza i movimenti tra le carrozze, ottimizza l’aerodinamica, garantisce una sicurezza ottimale, e riduce le spese di manutenzione del 15%.

Questa soluzione tecnica innovativa, infine, in combinazione con materiali compositi e con sistemi di trazione ulteriormente perfezionati, ha permesso di alleggerire la massa dell’AGV di circa 70 tonnellate rispetto ai treni prodotti dalla concorrenza.

L’AGV quindi, futuro treno di NTV, ha prestazioni particolarmente elevate dal punto di vista ambientale, con consumi energetici ridotti del 15%.

Più nel dettaglio, i principali vantaggi del nuovo treno Alstom AGV riguardano tutti gli aspetti della prestazione: rapporto peso/potenza, spazi e comfort a bordo, consumo energetico, sicurezza, manutenzione.

Rapporto peso/potenza I carrelli alloggiano motori sincroni a magneti permanenti, caratterizzati da potenza eccellente, e al contempo da una riduzione nella massa e nel volume, a tutto vantaggio del risparmio energetico. L'AGV sviluppa infatti un rapporto peso/potenza ineguagliato di 22,6 kW/tonnellata, ossia superiore del 23% alla concorrenza.

Spazio e comfort a bordo L’eliminazione delle motrici, sostituite dalla motorizzazione ripartita, libera spazio a disposizione dei passeggeri, a tutto vantaggio dell’abitabilità degli ambienti (20% di superficie aggiuntiva).

Anche nello spazio trasversale, con una larghezza di cassa di 3 metri, ed uno spazio interno di 2,75 metri, l’AGV si distingue come best in class per abitabilità, a tutto vantaggio sia del comfort dei passeggeri da seduti, sia della comodità dei corridoi, le cui dimensioni consentono di spostarsi e incrociarsi agevolmente, anche con bagagli ingombranti.

Lo stile degli interni è realizzato da Italdesign-Giugiaro, l’ottimizzazione degli spazi è completata da un attento studio della luminosità, dell’ergonomia e delle dotazioni di bordo per i passeggeri. Inoltre, la rumorosità di viaggio e le vibrazioni restano limitate a livello del pianale, garantendo così il massimo comfort per i passeggeri.

L’accesso al treno è reso più facile per tutti i passeggeri, bambini e anziani inclusi, grazie ad un pavimento più basso di ben 10 centimetri rispetto a quello dei treni con architettura tradizionale, il che consente all’AGV di avere solo due gradini di accesso al treno rispetto ai tre normalmente utilizzati.

L’attenzione all’ergonomia si ritrova anche nella cabina di guida, progettata in conformità ai programmi internazionali European Driver Desk ed European Cabin, consentendo ai conducenti di impadronirsi rapidamente della postazione di comando per un utilizzo ottimale.

Infine, la ridotta rumorosità interna è un altro aspetto dell’elevato comfort che verrà assicurato nell’AGV ai viaggiatori, grazie a numerose innovazioni nel campo dell’aeroacustica. Oltre a viaggi in generale più silenziosi, alcune raffinate soluzioni come un rivestimento delle casse che non subisce onde di pressione, consentiranno di limitare gli effetti della pressione dell’aria sui timpani nei passaggi in galleria.

Consumo energetico La nuova architettura dell’AGV, grazie al numero ridotto di carrelli (meno turbolenza, e quindi meno resistenza), in abbinamento all’accurato studio aerodinamico del nuovo design, consente prestazioni particolarmente elevate dal punto di vista ambientale, con consumi energetici ridotti del 15%. Rispetto ad un TGV, il consumo di energia per posto a sedere si riduce di circa il 30%.

Sicurezza L’AGV è progettato per garantire la massima sicurezza dei passeggeri. La protezione ai passeggeri in caso di urti è garantita dai criteri di dimensionamento della struttura della cassa e dagli assorbitori di energia che rispondono integralmente ai requisiti delle normative europee in materia di sicurezza passiva. Inoltre, la configurazione del treno articolato, che introduce un legame maggiore tra le vetture rispetto ai treni convenzionali (le casse sono infatti collegate tra di loro tramite un carrello) offre maggiore rigidità al treno: risulta migliorata la resistenza al vento laterale e, in caso di deragliamento, si evita che il convoglio si disponga "a fisarmonica", contrariamente a quanto succederebbe ad un convoglio non articolato.

Manutenzione Un carrello rappresenta di per sé il 35-40% del costo di manutenzione totale di un treno, perché contiene la maggior parte degli organi usurabili. Di conseguenza, la riduzione del numero dei carrelli rispetto ad un treno classico, in combinazione con l’incremento della capacità dei posti, permette di ridurre del 30% il costo di manutenzione per singolo posto.



Infine un'interessante animazione:

NTV - Nuovo Trasporto Viaggiatori S.p.A.

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Qualche dato tecnico sull'AGV:

Alstom Unveils Prototype 224 MPH AGV Train and Its First Customer

5 February 2008

Alstom has unveiled the prototype of the AGV (Automotrice Grande Vitesse), its fourth-generation very high speed electric train. This single-deck train features the Alstom’s articulated architecture used on the TGV combined with a new distributed drive system based on permanent magnet motors (the train’s motors being located on the bogies, under the train), an innovation which considerably increases the potential number of seats onboard the train by eliminating the need for locomotives.

The AGV is designed to reach a commercial speed of 360 kph (224 mph), and already has its first customer: Italy’s new railway operator, Nuovo Trasporto Viaggiatori.

The articulated architecture involves positioning the bogies (axles and wheels) between the carriages of a train, contrary to their traditional positioning under the carriages. This technology eliminates most of the vibrations and noise caused inside the carriages by the train running on the tracks, as well as damping any movement between the carriages.

The architecture also provides a safety advantage—the carriages being tightly meshed together renders the train as a whole more rigid. Thus in case of a derailment, it does not deform (unlike a non-articulated train which will have a tendency to fold up like an accordion); the AGV will remain upright and in one piece.

The main innovation for the AGV involves combining this articulation technology with a distributed drive system. The train’s motors are located under the floor of the carriages rather than concentrating them in dedicated locomotives at the front and back of the train. The removal of the locomotives increases the capacity of the train. For an equal train length, AGV trains have 20% more space than traditional trains.

Another innovation in the AGV is the use of synchronous permanent magnet motors to provide electro-dynamic traction and braking. When fitted with six drive bogies in an 11-car configuration (360 kph), the AGV generates power of 22.6 kW/ton, 23% higher than its main competitor.

The permanent magnet motors provide:

  • A power/weight ratio greater than 1 kW/kg versus 0.8 kW/kg for previous generations of motors and greater compactness for more convenient installation on the bogies;
  • Simpler ventilation circuits making maintenance easier and providing greater reliability;
  • Lower energy consumption, due to an efficiency ratio which is greater than that of an asynchronous electric motor and thanks to a highly simplified drive train.

The new architecture enables operators to vary the length of their trains (from 7 to 14 carriages, and from 250 and 650 seats) depending on demand.

With the AGV, 25% less bogies are needed than on non-articulated trains: in its 11-carriage configuration, the AGV only has 12 bogies versus 16 in competing trains. The cost of maintaining bogies accounts for around 35% of the total cost of maintaining a very high speed train. Another development example which is designed to reduce the cost of ownership: the wheels of the AGV were designed to provide 15% greater resistance to wear than those of the other trains on the market. This all means that overall, the maintenance costs of an AGV train are around 15% lower than those of its main competitors.

The AGV consumes 15% less energy than its main competitors, according to Alstom. The AGV emits 2.2 grams of CO2 per passenger km, 13 times less than a bus (30 grams), 50 times less than a car (115 grams) and 70 times less than a plane (153 grams), based on the rate of CO2 emissions per kWh of electricity produced in France.

The train’s motors are equipped with power electronics that enable the AGV to operate on all four types of railway electricity supplies in use in Europe: 1,500 Volts, 3,000 Volts, 15,000 Volts, and 25,000 Volts, the latter being more extensively used in the rest of the world.

The AGV is also capable of producing and using its own electricity. Its braking system consists of a combined rheostat brake and energy recovery brake. When the energy generated by the motors during the braking phase is not being consumed by the train, it can be fed back into the electric grid. During braking phases, the power which is fed back into the grid can reach 8 MW.

The AGV’s traction system has already been tested under extreme conditions, since it was used in the train which set the world rail speed record on 3 April 2007: 574.8 kph. (Earlier post.)

We have developed this train using our own funds, a very unusual approach in the railway industry, because we understood that the market for very high speed rail travel was about to diversify. In order to maintain our leadership, we needed to broaden and update our range of products. The AGV has arrived on the market just at the time when very high speed rail travel is undergoing a new expansion phase, not only in its traditional markets, but also in many developing countries.

—Patrick Kron, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Alstom

The company has produced 70% of the very high speed trains which are currently running worldwide at speeds of 300 kph and above. Since the launch of the first TGV in 1981, Alstom has sold 650 very high speed trains.

Italy’s NTV, has placed firm orders worth €650 million (US$953 million) for 25 trains (with options for 10 more), and has signed a maintenance contract with Alstom. Production of the first trains will begin in mid-2008, and they will be delivered from 2010 onwards.

Da un altro sito:

AGV tailors capacity and performance to the market

31 Aug 2007 | Murray Hughes

Nearing completion at Alstom's factory in La Rochelle are the seven cars of the prototype Automotice à Grande Vitesse. Alstom's Technical Director François Lacôte briefed Murray Hughes on the train's design and target market

ALSTOM'S high speed demonstration train with distributed power will soon be ready to leave its birthplace. By the end of the year the seven-car set will be fully assembled in La Rochelle ready for low-speed testing before the train travels to the Velim test circuit in the Czech Republic.

Known as Pégase, the prototype AGV heralds another generation of high speed train that combines distributed traction with well-established TGV design principles such as articulation. 'We absolutely wanted to continue developing our range of high speed trains - this is a new range, not just for one customer, but for the whole market', says François Lacôte, Senior Vice-President, Technical, at Alstom Transport.

The prototype will serve as a demonstrator for what is destined to become a family of trains with different configurations. 'From the outset the AGV was aimed at all Europe's high speed networks as a high-performance train for 300 to 360 km/h. We are well aware that this is a very ambitious target - but the design is deliberately flexible to offer different capacity and different speed maxima for different customers.'

Series-built AGVs could be configured in formations of seven to 14 cars (Fig 1), with the possibility of three short sets operating in multiple. Groups of three cars form autonomous electrical units with the transformer, converter and auxiliary equipment spread over the three vehicles; 'key cars' without traction equipment provide the flexibility for formations of seven, eight, 10, 11 or 14 cars. In terms of capacity, a 200 m long 11-car train mounted on 12 bogies would provide from 446 to 510 seats, depending upon the chosen seating density.

Lacôte describes the AGV as 'a modern response to the customer'. He explains that, despite strong interest in Alstom's double-deck TGV, customers prefer a single-deck trainset because a double-decker 'does not fit in with their own ideas for technical, cultural or other reasons'. Presentations about the TGV Duplex to customers in Italy, Germany, South Korea and China consistently generated the response that 'the double-decker is very good, but we prefer a single-deck train'. In every case, says Lacôte, 'some kind of obstacle' pushed the customer towards a single-decker.

Given the massive demand for inter-city rail travel in China, and to a lesser extent in South Korea, their railways' preference for a single-deck train is 'quite surprising'. It is no small irony to Lacôte that SNCF - whose traffic levels are significantly lower - wishes to purchase only double-deck TGVs; SNCF ordered 80 more Duplex trainsets on June 27, some of which are intended for international services (RG 8.07 p471).

Development cost

With Alstom's main domestic customer 'not interested' in a single-deck high speed trainset, the AGV is set to become the company's standard high speed product for the export market. As 'no customers were prepared to invest in developing their own high speed trains', Alstom decided to build a demonstration set at its own expense - the first time a complete high speed train has been built speculatively by the private sector.

In round figures, the price tag for the AGV programme is €100m, which Lacôte says covers 'all the development work, construction of the prototype and the initial phase of tests'. A tiny fraction of the total has been paid by subcontractors, but in other cases Alstom paid the development costs incurred by some of its suppliers.

Alstom began experimenting with distributed power in 2001 when two AGV research vehicles were married with five TGV cars to form the Elisa test train (RG 11.01 p751). Trials were sufficiently encouraging for the company to decide three years later to proceed with construction of a complete trainset, and the first bodyshell components for Pégase were laid down in 2006. By the end of July this year all seven cars were well advanced with most components installed, including the traction equipment and the drivers' desks.

Returning from a visit to La Rochelle on July 25, Lacôte was confident that 'we shall meet our target date for roll-out at the end of the year'.

Test programme

For the first three months of 2008 Pégase will undergo static tests and low-speed trials on the test track at the La Rochelle factory. At the end of March the prototype is scheduled to undertake its first trip outside France, with no less than six months of tests envisaged on the test loop at Velim in the Czech Republic. There the AGV will be able to attain 200 km/h, and there is some prospect of the trials being used for European certification tests. Despite this, Lacôte considers that six months is more than generous for the test programme.

As TGV Design Engineer at SNCF, Lacôte led the team that achieved the May 1990 world record speed of 515·3 km/h on a section of LGV Atlantique. He points to the use of the AGV traction package and bogies in the V150 programme earlier this year as a particularly demanding test for the equipment. The programme culminated in the specially-configured V150 trainset beating the previous record by 59·5 km/h on a section of LGV Est-Européenne on April 3 2007 (RG 5.07 p267).

The AGV bogies fabricated in Le Creusot had never been tested at high speed before, and Lacôte was 'completely stunned - I did not think we could do so well. If the rest of the tests go like that, we'll have no problems'. The V150 programme means that the AGV bogies and traction equipment on Pégase are effectively pre-production equipment, but all components will still be subject to extensive checks and assessment. Lacôte is careful to temper his enthusiasm with caution, stressing that 'we shall have to be completely systematic as we do not know what we will find'.

A major worry for the V150 test team had been the prospect of a failure in a mechanical or electrical component as a result of overheating. The AGV traction motors had been designed for an output of 720 kW, but during the V150 trials each motor was producing 1 000 kW. No less than 40 runs were made at speeds above 450 km/h, and six of these exceeded 550 km/h - yet temperatures remained within the permitted tolerances. Lacôte concedes that 'perhaps we were too cautious and maybe some equipment was over-dimensioned, but I prefer surprises like that rather than the other way round'.

SNCF doubtless shares that view, and Lacôte emphasises how grateful he is to SNCF 'for allowing us to put AGV equipment in the V150 trainset - it was a huge vote of confidence.'

Current collection

A critical element in the V150 programme was the pantograph-catenary interface which determined the quality of current collection. Lacôte describes the Faiveley CX25 pantograph mounted on the V150 set as 'a little gem', and the same design will equip the AGV, although without some of the V150's special features such as a single lightweight contact strip of 'metallised carbon' able to handle currents of 800 A.

During the world record run, an array of sensors allowed the arcing to be measured and adjustments made to the pantograph practically in real time from the on-board control room - in marked contrast to the 1990 exploits when Lacôte recollects stopping the test train to make adjustments to the pantograph from the roof after a run at 482 km/h had nearly torn down the catenary.

Traction equipment

The 'base design' AGV is a four-system TSI-compliant train able to accept traction power at 25 kV 50 Hz, 15 kV 16·7 Hz, 3 kV DC and 1·5 kV DC, although the 360 km/h maximum speed will only be possible with 25 kV. One issue in the early design stage was the ability to incorporate a transformer able to handle 16·7 Hz at 15 kV for operation in Germany and Switzerland, but Lacôte says that 320 km/h will be possible when drawing power at 15 kV. A speed of 250 km/h will be achievable under 3 kV DC catenary, reducing to 200 km/h at 1·5 kV.

Pégase will take power at 25 kV, 1·5 kV and 3 kV DC, and it will incorporate equipment for <acronym title="European Train Control System"> ETCS</acronym> Level 2, together with all national signalling and train protection systems to allow it run 'from Amsterdam to Napoli'.

The AGV's underfloor-mounted traction package includes a transformer with an innovative arrangement of windings to reduce the weight. IGBT transistors in the power converter feed three-phase current to the synchronous permanent magnet traction motors, with the intermediate bus in the main traction circuit rated at 3 kV DC compared with 1·5 kV DC on the TGV POS; this allows the use of smaller and lighter cables.

In contrast to the body-slung motors on a TGV which require a tripod transmission, the AGV's traction motors are mounted in the bogies. This permits a simpler transmission and eliminates a potential source of noise and vibration from the car body - on Pégase four of the eight bogies will be powered, and the same proportion is envisaged for a production train.

Lacôte considers that the permanent magnet motor 'has great potential', asserting that it would not be difficult to develop a motor rated at 800 kW rather than the 720 kW version selected for the AGV.

Bogies and brakes tested

The AGV power bogies are 'identical and different' to those on a TGV. The long wheelbase of 3 000 mm is retained to ensure stability at critical speed, but the bogie frame is constructed from high-tensile steel, giving a significant weight reduction.

During the V150 programme comparisons were made between the AGV motor bogies and those fitted to the POS power cars, and Lacôte says that the AGV bogies offered superior performance with greater stability. The AGV's trailer bogies are 'more conventional', and wheelsets and axles are similar to those on the TGV Duplex.

It has blended rheostatic and regenerative braking, as on the TGV POS; earlier builds of TGV did not have a regenerative facility.

On the AGV the dynamic brakes are complemented by three brake discs on each trailing axle. These are intended for use only during the last stage of braking.

Four discs to the AGV design were fitted on each axle of the trailer bogies of the V150 trainset, and on one occasion at the end of March emergency braking was applied when the train was travelling at nearly 507 km/h - a real-life test for the brakes which caused grave concern to the engineering team on board. 'We really thought we were on the limit - each disc had to absorb 36 MJ of energy', explained Lacôte. Back in the Technicentre Est-Européen where V150 was based, the engineers inspected the discs which, despite having reached a temperature of 650°C, proved to be in 'impeccable' condition, serving to confirm 'the enormous progress we have made in material design'.

For comparison, a disc on a TGV Sud-Est trainset dating from the late 1970s was designed to handle 13 MJ and that on a TGV Atlantique set from the mid-1980s 18 MJ. Had TGV Atlantique discs been subject to the same emergency application, conjectures Lacôte, the entire set of discs would have had to be replaced. The AGV's brake discs are designed for 24 MJ with 'very special' pads manufactured from materials able to guarantee a constant coefficient of friction, even in damp conditions.

Alstom gave serious consideration to fitting the AGV with eddy-current brakes which are 'very interesting'. However, Lacôte feels they are 'heavy and expensive'. Ensuring that they do not introduce a safety risk makes them 'too complicated', he says, insisting that he does not want them on the AGV. Nonetheless, provision has been made for two eddy-current brakes to be installed on Pégase.

Composite components

At 17·3 m, the car body length of the AGV's intermediate cars is slightly shorter than the 18·7 m on a TGV, and this will allow a slightly wider body than the German ICE3.

The bodyshells of all seven cars are fabricated from aluminium, but the train will incorporate two structural articulation sections that feature novel technology in the form of carbon composite material. The AGV articulation will be slightly wider than on a TGV to permit more space in the inter-car gangway, and the opportunity is being taken to experiment with a material that saves 700 kg per articulation.

Lacôte says that the composite articulation structure has been put through fatigue tests at Vitry and that it has also undergone tests at Reichshoffen to check its performance in a collision.

In-house styling

Alstom - and Alstom Transport President Philippe Mellier in particular - is anxious to keep the design of the front end of Pégase under wraps until it emerges from La Rochelle - perhaps reflecting Mellier's background in the automotive industry. In 2005 the company appointed Xavier Allard as its in-house stylist, and the AGV may become the product on which Allard's future reputation will rest.

Table I. Principal data for AGV prototype trainset

Gauge mm 1 435

Overall length m c125

End car length mm 17 100

Intermediate car length mm 17 300

Bogie wheelbase mm 3 000

Width mm 2 900

Maximum speed km/h 360

Weight tonnes 272

Continuous power rating kW 5 760

AGV design features

Distributed power


Flexible formation and capacity

Multi-voltage (three systems on prototype)

Design speed up to 360 km/h

New materials used for brake discs and pads

Some structural elements of composite material on prototype

Italian response awaited

ON MARCH 25 Alstom submitted its first bid for its AGV design to Italian private open access operator Nuevo Trasporto Viaggiatori. The proposal was for 25 trainsets, each of 11 cars, with an option for 10 more sets. A response was promised by the end of June, but a month later Alstom was still waiting to hear.

Negotiations were continuing at the end of July, but little progress was expected during August as both the French and Italian business communities had geared down for the summer holiday.

In Italy, the NTV consortium is considered to be of good standing, but there are fears that politicians may jib at allowing a private-sector company to be the first to operate a new generation high speed train on a state-funded network of high speed lines. 'Were Virgin or another company to propose something similar between Paris and Lyon, I can imagine that Sarkozy or other politicians would have something to say', remarks François Lacôte.

  • CAPTION: Fig 1. The prototype seven-car AGV trainset is designed for a maximum speed of 360 km/h, but production versions will be offered with a range of different configurations in both high and low-density layouts
  • CAPTION: The AGV power bogies trialled in the V150 programme were found to offer greater stability at high speed than the bogies used on a TGV Duplex power car
  • CAPTION: One of the AGV end cars takes shape in the Alstom factory at La Rochelle

'From the outset the AGV was aimed at all Europe's high speed networks as a high-performance train for 300 to 360 km/h.'

François Lacôte

Senior Vice-President, Technical

Alstom Transport

L'AGV ajuste capacité et performance au marché

Dans les ateliers Alstom de La Rochelle, les sept voitures du prototype de train à grande vitesse AGV sont en voie d'achèvement. Destiné en premier lieu au marché européen, l'AGV est un concept interopérable offrant une flexibilité considérable en termes de capacité voyageurs et de performances. Plus tôt cette année, les bogies AGV et les composants traction installés sur la rame V150 spécialement configurée ont passé leur test final en battant un nouveau record mondial de vitesse, mais des essais systématiques vont se dérouler en France et en République tchèque avant que la rame prototype fasse la démonstration de son potentiel complet

AGV mit massgeschneiderter Kapazität und Leistungsfähigkeit

Im Alstom-Werk in La Rochelle stehen die sieben Wagen des AGV Hochgeschwindigkeitszug-Prototyps kurz vor ihrer Fertigstellung. Mit seiner Ausrichtung auf den europäischen Markt ist der AGV ein vielseitig einsetzbares Produkt mit grosser Flexibilität in Bezug auf Fahrgastfassungsvermögen und Leistung. Früher in diesem Jahr haben AGV-Drehgestelle und Traktions-Komponenten im speziell aufgebauten V150-Zug den ultimaten Test in Form des Geschwindigkeits-Weltrekords bestanden, aber systematische Testfahrten werden in Frankreich und der Tschechischen Republik durchgeführt, bevor der Prototypzug sein volles Potenzial zeigen kan

AGV adapta capacidad y rendimiento al mercado

Ya están casi acabados los siete coches del tren prototipo de alta velocidad AGV, construidos por la empresa Alstom en su planta de La Rochelle. Enfocado fundamentalmente al mercado europeo, AGV cuenta con un diseño funcional y consigue gran flexibilidad en capacidad de pasajeros y rendimiento. A principios de este año los bogies y otros componentes de tracción AGV instalados en el tren V150, con configuración especial, pasaron la prueba definitiva al establecer un nuevo récord mundial. Sin embargo, se llevarán a cabo pruebas sistemáticas en Francia y en la República Checa antes de que el prototipo pueda demostrar su máximo potencial

Per venire alla tua domanda, su wiki dice:

Instead of having separate power cars at either end of the train, as current TGVs do, the AGV will have distributed traction with motors under the floors of the passenger carriages.

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Modificato da Dodicicilindri

"All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed, second it is violently opposed, and third, it is accepted as self-evident." (Arthur Schopenhauer)


Volkswagen Scirocco 1.4 TSI 160cv Viper Green (venduta)

BMW M4 DKG Competition Package 450cv Sapphire Black

Jeep Renegade 1.0 T3 Limited 


Attenzione pero' : per l' esattezza non e' un treno ma un automotrice elettrica a composizione bloccata.

In pratica come un Minuetto.

Archepensevoli spanciasentire Socing.


penso che abbiano scelto alstom anche perchè così un po' di treni li fanno in italia se prendavamo siemens invece se lo facevano tutto in germania

penso che abbiano scelto alstom anche perchè così un po' di treni li fanno in italia se prendavamo siemens invece se lo facevano tutto in germania

Credo che sia così.

Tra l'altro alcuni saranno prodotti negli ex stabilimenti di Fiat Ferroviaria, quindi Montezemolo acquista quasi in casa :D

"All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed, second it is violently opposed, and third, it is accepted as self-evident." (Arthur Schopenhauer)


Volkswagen Scirocco 1.4 TSI 160cv Viper Green (venduta)

BMW M4 DKG Competition Package 450cv Sapphire Black

Jeep Renegade 1.0 T3 Limited 


Da quello che mi ha detto il mio babbo (dirigente SIemens) pare che Siemens abbia perso la gara per 2 punti, nonostente si fosse offerta a fare una JV con Ansaldo per costruire i treni in Italia...

A pensare male d ci si prende ;) speriamo solo che questi nuovi treni non abbiano l'affidabilità ridicola degli attuali prodotti Alstom



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