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F1 Gran Premio del Belgio 2008: Spa


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Anche Fernando Alonso dice la sua sulla decisione di penalizzare Hamilton:

Double world champion Fernando Alonso believes Lewis Hamilton deserved the penalty that cost the McLaren driver victory in the Belgian Grand Prix. Alonso said he fully supported the FIA stewards' decision to hit Hamilton with a 25-second penalty, which handed victory to Felipe Massa, because he felt there was no doubt he gained an advantage.

"Yes, I totally agree," he said of the stewards' decision. "Lewis had an advantage by doing that. If he did the chicane properly, he would never have crossed the line one metre behind Kimi. You lose five or ten metres and then you cannot overtake in Turn 1.

"We always said we would give back the position, but at the same time as giving back the position you cannot take advantage of what you did one corner before. If you give back the position, take the slipstream and overtake the guy into the next corner you still have an advantage because of what you did.

"These escape roads are just for safety. You need to imagine that before there would have been a wall, and if there is a wall you cannot use that part of the track."

The Spaniard added that his former teammate should have hung back and taken the chance to overtake Raikkonen later in the race.

"There were two or three laps to the end, many more corners to overtake at with the condition of the circuit. It was clear for me that it was not the right moment to overtake. The stewards take their decisions and they have been very strict this year. They are very hard but consistent."

Alonso added that he was not surprised McLaren opted to protest the decision.

"No," he said when asked by whether he was surprised about the their appeal. "They did this last year and they always used to do this kind of thing."

Alonso also believes that Hamilton's penalty could have helped him to claim his first win of the season had he opted to pit for wet tyres a lap earlier.

"I think winning the race was possible because Massa won the race at the end and finished nine seconds ahead of Nick Heidfeld. I was quite a bit ahead of Heidfeld - more than nine seconds - so maybe I could have overtaken Massa at that point and then maybe with Lewis's penalty I would have won the race."

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video già postato da tommi qualche migliaia di pagine fa ;)

non avevo visto nulla del gp ma letto più o meno tutto del topic..più qualche titolo di giornale..

poi ho visto il video...:mrgreen:

beh, è una figata pazzesca..praticamente un sorpasso nelle f1 di oggi consta di :

-un palese taglio di chicane con guadagno di ALMENO 25mt e rallentamento dell'avversario

-un dar strada fasullo (ci si mette in scia in modo palese)

-un risorpasso sfruttando la scia

e io che ero rimasto alle ruotate.......che EVOLUZIONE :b9:lol::b26:b1:b35Happy


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Alonso si paracula per entrare in Ferrari? ;D

Beh colpisce due piccioni con una fava...

Fa gli occhi dolci per entrare in Ferrari

Si toglie qualche altro sassolino dalla scarpa, con la McLaren e Hamilton. ;)

"But before the most charismatic car maker of them all finally went, they left us with a final reminder of what they can do, when they try" (Jeremy Clarkson, Top Gear)

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non avevo visto nulla del gp ma letto più o meno tutto del topic..più qualche titolo di giornale..

poi ho visto il video...:mrgreen:

beh, è una figata pazzesca..praticamente un sorpasso nelle f1 di oggi consta di :

-un palese taglio di chicane con guadagno di ALMENO 25mt e rallentamento dell'avversario

-un dar strada fasullo (ci si mette in scia in modo palese)

-un risorpasso sfruttando la scia

e io che ero rimasto alle ruotate.......che EVOLUZIONE :b9:lol::b26:b1:b35Happy


mitico Matteo! in effetti la tua lettura è "comica" ma reale: e poi alla McLaren si scandalizzano pure! ma andassero a..

"post fata resurgam." (cit.)

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non avevo visto nulla del gp ma letto più o meno tutto del topic..più qualche titolo di giornale..

poi ho visto il video...:mrgreen:

beh, è una figata pazzesca..praticamente un sorpasso nelle f1 di oggi consta di :

-un palese taglio di chicane con guadagno di ALMENO 25mt e rallentamento dell'avversario

-un dar strada fasullo (ci si mette in scia in modo palese)

-un risorpasso sfruttando la scia

e io che ero rimasto alle ruotate.......che EVOLUZIONE :b9:lol::b26:b1:b35Happy


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mitico Matteo! in effetti la tua lettura è "comica" ma reale: e poi alla McLaren si scandalizzano pure! ma andassero a.. volete tutta..?

ma andate af...ulo pure voi (bonariamente e tra amici eh..;)) che vi scannate per UNA STRONZATA di dimensioni cosmiche.....

oramai i gp si decidono in Giuria e dopo la farsa-mediatica del podio..."ai miei tempi" (:mrgreen:) Raikkonen gli piantava una macchinata e lo sparava su Marte....oppura viaggiava una bandiera nera diretta per taglio....e che cazzo....

trovo cmq ridicola la penalizzazione di "25 secondi".......roba da azzeccagarbugli...

Modificato da Matteo B.
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Aggiungo anche le opinioni di altri piloti (prese sempre da

Felipe Massa

"What happened is that he took an advantage by cutting the chicane," said Ferrari's Felipe Massa, who inherited the win after Hamilton was given a 25-second penalty after the race.

"You can ask drivers how many overtaking moves you see there.

"None between the last corner and the first corner, because there is such a small straight there. That is my opinion and it doesn't change."

Sebastien Bourdais

Toro Rosso's Sebastien Bourdais said rules were rules.

"I think it is very clear, the rules are clear," he said. "Maybe the penalty is very hard but he has made the same mistake twice, he did in Magny-Cours and he did it in Spa.

"I don't really understand why there is such a mess around it, there is a rule book and everyone has to obey the same thing. The penalty is rough but it is up to you to give the position back."

Nico Rosberg

Williams driver Nico Rosberg added: "He did have an advantage because he would not so close if he had not cut the chicane but the penalty was a bit harsh as it did not have a big result in the end result. But it won't stop us from trying to attack definitely."

Jarno Trulli

Toyota's Jarno Trulli agreed that the penalty may have been too harsh.

"I agree the penalty was quite big but I am not a steward. But it is also clear he got an advantage," he said.

"The rules are very clear, if you cut the chicane you get the advantage you have to drop it and lose advantage, in Lewis' case he should not attack in the first corner that is it.

"This last chicane, they have a lot of run off area they give you more chance to attack because in case of mistake you won't end up in wall or gravel. We have more chance to overtake."

Giancarlo Fisichella

Giancarlo Fisichella added: "I just seen pictures so difficult for me to say if it is right or not what happened. For sure maybe he took a small advantage that is why he had the possibility to overtake him again in braking for Turn One, but obviously 25 seconds penalty was quite a strong penalty."

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