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Fiat 500 is Britain's sexiest car

By Ben Farmer

Daily Telegraph

Women motorists have rejected glamorous sports cars in favour of the dinky Fiat 500 in a survey to find Britain's sexiest car.

Fiat's Cinquecento voted car of the year

The retro-inspired, 2008 Car of the Year came top of a poll by women's car-buying website Launched 50 years to the day after the birth of the iconic Nuova 500 which it resembles, the car has received glowing reviews in the past year.

Small and beautiful: Britain's women find the Fiat 500 to be the country's sexiest car

Alex Jenner-Furst, editor of the website said: "The feedback we had from our survey was that women do feel incredibly sexy when they drive this vehicle. "It may be small, but it is perfectly formed. It's fun to drive and looks the business. It may not be an out-and-out sports car, but it is Italian and has great sex appeal."

"What's more, with prices starting at just over 8,000 and purse-friendly running costs it won't break the bank."

British-built cars took second and third places in the 'sexiest car' of 2008 category with the Jaguar XF executive car winning 21 per cent of the vote, while the Mini Clubman took 19 per cent.

However the Fiat 500 many soon have competition in the form of the Alfa Romeo MiTo, which goes on sale in January. Nearly half of respondents put that at the top of their Christmas wish-list.



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