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incrociando le dita per domani mattina mi rilasso con una delle più belle canzoni fatte recentemente

I knew a girl

Her name was truth

She was a horrible liar.

She couldnt spend one day alone

But she couldnt be satisfied.

When you have everything,

You have everything to lose.

She made herself

A bed of nails

And shes plannin' on puttin' it to use.

Cos she had diamonds on the inside

She had diamonds on the inside

She had diamonds on the inside


A candle throws its light into the darkness

In a nasty world,so shines the good deed

Make sure the fortune, that you seek

Is the fortune you need.

So tell me why,the first to ask,is the last to give,everytime

What you say and do not mean

Follow too close behind

Cos she had diamonds on the inside

She had diamonds on the inside

She wore diamonds on the inside


Like a soldier standing long under fire

Any change comes as a relief.

Let the giver's name remain unspoken

For she is just a generous thief.

But she had diamonds on the inside

Cos she had diamonds on the inside

She wore diamonds on the inside

She wore diamonds

Oh diamonds

She had diamonds

She wore diamonds


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Nel boschetto della mia fantasia ora c'e' un vitello senza piu' i piedi che invoca pieta',
quand'ecco che un piccolo amico si avvicina
[parte la base di clarinetto di Rhapsody in Blue di Gershwin]
"Mi presento, son l'orsetto ri:cens:ne e come avrai intuito adesso t'in:cens:lo".

sono tre spanne sopra a tutti non c'è niente da fare
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