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Maserati Granturismo MC Corse Concept (Foto Ufficiali)

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Maserati is a company with a deep-rooted racing heritage, and it isn't about to let that fall by the wayside. With that in mind, the Trident marque has released details of its latest competition model, called the GranTurismo MC Corse Concept.

We brought you spy shots of a stripped-out, track-bound GranTurismo earlier this month, and this looks to be the ticket. Based on the 430hp GranTurismo S, the MC Corse is destined for the tarmac. The engine has been upgraded with a new intake system, competition-spec catalytic converters and a center-exit exhaust to boost output to 450 horsepower. Grip is enhanced by an increased track along with a new front splitter, a larger rear spoiler, and more aerodynamically efficient side skirts, while the suspension has been upgraded to meet the track surface with 18x12-inch front and 18x13-inch rear wheels fitted with racing slicks. Enlarged brake discs with monobloc racing calipers help keep the power in check, along with an FIA-approved rollcage.

Following on the heels of the MC12 Corse, the GranTurismo MC Corse promises to deliver one seriously demonic ride to go with the sinister looks. While this could be the new vehicle Maserati has been hinting at, we have a feeling Modena has another trick up its rolled-up sleeve. Stay tuned, and check out the images in the gallery below in the meantime.

Allora a sto punto il teaser era riferito a questa..

 News al 02/12/2015: Mazda 2.

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