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Ford is getting ready to present a new model in the Kuga range equipped with a 200HP 2.5-liter turbocharged gasoline engine matted to either a 6-speed manual or 5-speed automatic transmission. In addition to the new powertrain options, the Paris Show Kuga 2.5 Turbo will also mark the debut Ford of Europe’s Individual vehicle customization program combining a new exterior body kit and 20-inch alloy wheels with new interior treatment options. -Continued

The rather aggressive, but quite tasteful aero kit was inspired from the styling of the iosis X Concept and Kuga preview show cars. The package consists of body colored wheel arch extensions, lower rocker claddings, and new bumpers which have been extended some 50 mm lower than the original design along with new chromed front grilles.

Other components include front and rear skid plates as well as door claddings, all painted in a contrasting silver color, and a new rear spoiler that has been lengthened by around 100 mm. The exterior styling is complemented by massive 20-inch wheels fitted with 255/35 ZR 20 tires. All of these body kit features are due to be made available to Kuga customers as production items in the first half of 2009.

The Paris Show Kuga 2.5 Turbo’s interior that also serves as a preview of what will be available to customers early next year, is fitted with dark leather seats that combine two different sets of materials - a softer Ebony colored Nappa leather for the seat bolsters and seatbacks and a more a more heavily grained 'Bond' leather for the rest of the seat. Both leathers are distinguished from each other by the use of a contrasting light grey piping.

Additionally, the Paris preview vehicle also features interior trim parts such as the center console cladding, center stack surfaces and the door-pull handles finished in a high-gloss 'Piano White' finish that supposedly matches the crossover's exterior color and seat-stitching. Our opinion is that we could have done without the glossy white accesories, but overall, the Kuga 2.5 Turbo Individual definetely looks the part. Too bad we won’t be getting to see it any time soon here in the States.


Nuova motorizzazione e nuovo allestimento..

Inutila la prima, inutile il secondo.. servirebbe un diesel piu potente..

 News al 02/12/2015: Mazda 2.


Che figata i cerchi!!! iloveyou.gif

Quoto Nico... chissà perchè non montano il 2.2... anzi io ci vedrei bene anche il 1.6 in basso... dubbio.gif


Sobria quanto un pugno in un occhio direi... Comunque belli i cerchi e il rivestimento bianco del tunnel centrale, che per fortuna sono disponibili anche senza il body kit... Per il resto tutto da bruciare per quanto mi riguarda....

La teoria è quando si conosce il funzionamento di qualcosa ma quel qualcosa non funziona.

La pratica è quando tutto funziona ma non si sa come.

Spesso si finisce con il coniugare la teoria con la pratica: non funziona niente e non si sa il perché.


ma a che cavolo serve..

Prenditi cura degli amici, ma ancor piu dei tuoi nemici...


ma a che cavolo serve..


Some critics have complained that the 4C lacks luxury. To me, complaining about lack of luxury in a sports car is akin to complaining that a supermodel lacks a mustache.



Nascono con l'idea di essere Cross-Over che strizzano l'occhio al SUV... e poi appena posso lo rinnegano.



Nascono con l'idea di essere Cross-Over che strizzano l'occhio al SUV... e poi appena posso lo rinnegano.

Rinnegano cosa finta vocazione suv?........non capisco anzi perchè ford aspetta così tanto a mettere in vendita la versione 4x2 sarà che per ora hanno già troppo richiesta di 4x4 mah.

Senza cuore saremmo solo macchine.......

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