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Quella della Mazda, pur nella sua originalità e spregiudicatezza aveva un senso. Era tecnicamente basata su una cosa reale, ovvero un auto da corsa. Ed era pure perfettamente funzionante.

E personalmente, dal punto di vista estetico, la proposta Mazda la trovo molto più elegante (nella sua cattiveria) e pulita di questo giocattolone della Citroen. ;)

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affascinante...anche se dentro è troooooopo ps e poi quel specie di bronzo mi stimola per andare in bagno...dietro però non riesce ad essere, oltre che aggressivo, anche elegante (ovviamente in senso relativo) come il frontale dove c'è poco da fare tranne che applaudire

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racing spirit by citroën

power and flowing lines

the design of gtbycitroën reflects a quest for optimal aerodynamic design. The show-car is a vehicle of flowing, taut lines, stretched to the extreme. The cleanly drawn sides, ribbed at the top, and the pearlescent shade of the bodywork enhance the vehicle's sleekly muscled looks.

The determined look of the front end is enhanced by wide air intakes and clear-cut horizontal headlamps. The headlamps feature penetrating blue leds in order to light the road effectively and keep rivals at a respectful distance! The chrome chevrons on the smooth bonnet express the marque's identity.

The carbon rearview mirrors on their finely profiled supports appear to be suspended as if to cleave the air, giving gtbycitroën an excellent on-road stance.

The large wraparound windscreen flows seamlessly into the roof and on into the rear mobile airfoil with its exaggeratedly long shape. The fast-flowing lines create the impression of a car in perpetual movement. The whole body expresses performance and continuous movement.

Gtbycitroën also expresses strength and power through generous volumes, (length: 4.960m, 2.080m and height: 1.090m) underlined by strongly marked wheel arches. The diamond-effect 21-inch aluminium wheels enhance the car's sporty personality.

Exceptional handling

the interior design confirms the vehicle's dynamic and powerful style. The interior of gtbycitroën, designed to seat a driver and co-driver, expresses the racing spirit of this concept. The on-board ambience allies rich, premium, extensively worked materials with a more high-tech effect for the driving position, inspired by the world of motorsports.

Looking beyond the spectacular visual effect, the gullwing opening of the two doors gives gtbycitroën a level of accessibility rarely seen on this type of vehicle. The driver and co-driver can therefore slip into their seats and get out on the track as quickly as possible.

The dark interior of this show-car is a surprise, compared with the light bodywork. Upholstered in black leather with subtle touches of rare materials such as copper and steel, the cabin of gtbycitroën is distinctly sporty.

Two padded racing seats upholstered in dark leather, each fitted with a four-point harness, enfold the driver and passenger for exceptional driving sensations. Placed low down to highlight the impression of speed, the elegant seats are a perfect fit with the rest of the interior.

The top-stitched leather of the door panels and floor adds to the opulence of the interior.

The driving position expresses the spirit of competition. The design was objectively guided by the motivation to win.

The dashboard, with its clean uncluttered design, flows into the receding lines of an imposing copper sculpture. The thrusting modern lines of the sculpture become the central tunnel of the vehicle, illustrating the power of gtbycitroën and appearing to catalyse its strength.

Created in a twist of this same copper sculpture, the leather-and-steel steering wheel also reflects the sporting spirit of the cabin.

To promote maximum concentration, the driver of gtbycitroën has a head-up display for driving information. Using red leds, this system projects key driving information – such as speed and navigation data – onto the windscreen in the driver's direct line of vision.

The head-up display makes a significant contribution to safety with its direct read-out. Drivers assimilate data more quickly and do not have to look away from the road.

Aerodynamics optimised to combine performance and driving sensations

special emphasis was placed on the aerodynamics and flowing design of gtbycitroën, these being key citroën values. The objective was to enhance the vehicle's dynamics and to create exceptional driving sensations.

Looking beyond its taut, dynamic lines, this racing car features innovative equipment such as enlarged air intakes at the front, a flat underside, and a mobile spoiler and air diffuser at the rear. All these features play an active role in reducing lift and – above all – drag, to pin the car to the ground.

With its flowing lines, original architecture and its use – in the game – of what is potentially the best environmental technology, gtbycitroën embodies the sporting spirit as seen by citroën and underlines the marque's ambitions to meet new challenges.

Modificato da simonepietro

... Le Alfa del futuro, Mazda a parte, dovrebbero essere ingegnerizzate là. Ma io dovrei comprare un'Alfa fatta dagli ingegneri della Chrysler ?

( Cit . Giugiaro da Quattroruote )

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Anteriore e posteriore non c'azzeccano proprio l'uno con l'altro, ma complessivamente hanno fatto un lavoro superbo.

Solo una cosa.. ehm.. dove dovrebbe essere il motore? davanti direi di no, anche se c'è un cofano, ma dietro non mi sembra ci siano le misure, anche se ammetto di non avere molto occhio su queste cose :roll:..

Modificato da Cibus


Guido ergo sum!

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molto concept, molto estrema, molto interessante... io la promuovo, anche quando sono solo concept auto del genere fa piacere vederle!

Sarebbe bello che a Torino si decidessero a mettere in pista il salone dell'auto come si era pensato, per prototipi ed esercizi di stile più che per auto di serie che si vedono nei concessionari...

E' la prima auto al mondo con motore a 6 cilindri a V di 60 gradi e con frizione, cambio e differenziale in un unico blocco sull'asse posteriore, transaxle, ..., è il 1950 e lei è l'Aurelia. (

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