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Dodge Al Sema Show 2008

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Il preparatore Mopar presenterà per Dodge numerose vetture.. cominciamo con il Dodge Ram disponibile in 4 varianti :

Mopar Dodge Ram TRXtreme


The bright yellow Dodge Ram TRXtreme, which takes a quad-cab Ram with the TRX off-road package and adds an extra 4.5 inches of ground clearance, 20-inch Mopar wheels wearing BFG 73X12.50 series tires, fender flares, a tube step and box rail. The steel hood features cooling louvers and the grille is extra large, so the Ram's V8 should have no problem expelling excess heat while being worked.

 News al 02/12/2015: Mazda 2.

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  • 2 settimane fa...

CDC's Dodge Challenger



Since this is the first SEMA Show after the introduction of the new Challenger in Chicago this past February, we're expecting to see Dodge's muscle car -and we're not kidding- in the dozens. We'll be informing you about as many custom Challengers as possible prior to the show's grand opening next Tuesday. One of the latest modded Challengers that we found comes from Classic Design Concepts (CDC). The Michigan-based tuner has readied a widebody version of the muscle car that gets composite front fenders and "billboard" rear flares with a larger that life HEMI logo.

Other styling mods performed by CDC include a stainless wire front grille, an alluminum hood that boasts a cold air "shaker" system and sequential tail lights as well as new alloy wheels.

 News al 02/12/2015: Mazda 2.

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