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Lamborghini Aventador LP700-4 (Spy)

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boh.. sembra diversa.. in effetti ha un bello sbalzo davanti. In compenso il muso più lungo lo gradisco sulle supercar.

Nel complesso preferivo il camuffo vecchio. Chissà cosa c'è sotto


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Non succede niente, in quanto gli scarichi reali sono questi:

....ridimensionato, tristino ma prevedibile...cagnetto salvo

aggiungo sorta di pre-test drive da parte di autocar, appena ho un po' di tempo traduco un po'

Driven: Lambo's new Murciélago

06 December 2010

The all-new Lamborghini Murciélago replacement won’t be launched until next March. But Lambo asked Steve Sutcliffe to join them in a secret sign-off test at Nardo in Italy. Cue a mad 210mph in the dark…

A garage door opens, writes Sutcliffe, and at that instant all conversation ceases. Before us, wearing heavy disguise that consists mostly of matt black duct tape atop four monumentally huge wheels and tyres, sits the future of Lamborghini – the very first prototype for the all-new V12 supercar that will replace the legendary Murciélago.

See Autocar's exclusive test pics of the new Murciélago

This is the car that will define what Lamborghini means to the rest of the world for at least the next 10 years. And it’s a car, or at least the prototype of a car, that I’ll be driving in less than half an hour’s time.

12 March 2009 1.04am

It has taken me two days of fairly grim travelling to get here – ‘here’ being the Nardo test track in southern Italy. At this stage Lamborghini isn’t allowed to give too much away. We know the tub is made entirely from carbonfibre and that the suspension is of single-seater-style pushrod design, both firsts for any Lamborghini.

What we don’t know – and what Maurizio won’t yet tell us — is what the car weighs. “If a Murciélago weighs nearly 1700kg with a conventional backbone chassis,” says Lamborghini’s main man, Maurizio Reggiani, “and you already know the new car has a carbonfibre tub because I just told you it does, how much do think the damned thing weighs?”

Read more on Lambo's future plans

12 March 2009 1.25am

I press the big starter button on the console and the all-new Lamborghini erupts into life, much like every other Lamborghini erupts into life: with an enormous burst of revs, like it or not. But immediately I notice several new characteristics.

The sound from the engine and exhaust is smoother and less grainy than in a Murciélago, somehow. And the response from the crank when I blip the throttle is massively more immediate. Before it has even moved, this car feels both more refined and less physically intimidating than of old – less, dare I say it, like a rough old diamond from the good old days and more like a normal kind of supercar. One you’d half expect to see from the more extreme edges of a company like Volkswagen.

And that’s before you so much as mention the cabin, or the driving position, both of which are hugely more resolved than in the Murciélago.

Read the full story on Lambo's new V12 engine

12 March 2009 1.28am

The moment it moves, the new Lambo feels every bit as advanced dynamically as it does aesthetically inside. The ride is calm and controlled in a way that a Murciélago owner simply wouldn’t recognise. It glides quietly over ground that the old car shimmies and thumps across.

Best of all, you no longer get the impression that you are sitting at the front of a very long, triangular machine whose tail contains a bite so venomous that there is no known cure beyond a certain threshold.

Instead, the new car feels fundamentally better balanced, as if it has a much lower, broader centre of gravity; as if it won’t tear your arms off and then kick you in the unmentionables if you do the wrong thing with the throttle at the wrong moment in a corner. And all this, remember, from the very first prototype.


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innanzitutto si tratta della prova di un prototipo, svoltasi a Nardo' e risalente al 2009 (perche' pubblicarla ora?)

punti salienti sono:

1) il colladaudatore sottolinea l'utilizzo di materiali in fibra di carbonio con conseguente notevole contenimento del peso

2) il sound del motore e' definito piu' mordibo di quello di murcielago

3) giudicano l'auto meno spigolosa ed intimidatoria rispetto alla progenitrice

4) alla guida e' piu' mordiba e controllabile, la posizione di guida migliore e la percezione degli ingombri meglio definita

5) in pratica e' piu' addomesticata e da' meno l'impressione che possa "mordere" al minimo errore da parte del guidatore.

L'unica cosa che non riesco a capire e' questo passaggio "...the suspension is of single-seater-style pushrod design...". Il pushrod design non dovrebbe riferirsi al motore?

Da wikipedia leggo "An overhead valve (OHV) engine, also informally called pushrod engine or I-head engine, is a type of piston engine that places the camshaft within the cylinder block (usually beside and slightly above the crankshaft in a straight engine or directly above the crankshaft in the V of a V engine), and uses pushrods or rods to actuate rocker arms above the cylinder head to actuate the valves. Lifters or tappets are located in the engine block between the camshaft and pushrods.[1] The more modern overhead camshaft (OHC) design (still literally overhead valve) avoids the use of pushrods by putting the camshaft in the cylinder head."

quindi, cosa vogliono dire usando il termine "suspension"? mi nun capisc, nun son un inggg....

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