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Balocco ed altrove... Muletti Alfa del passato


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The History

The following article is reproduced from a Japanese quarterly called: Car Styling. It was printed in issue #28 which appeared in the autumn of 1979.

I believe this information to be the best to date regarding the conception and birth of the alfasei. Strange feat that this information should come from Japan.

I give the text in full, as is (spelling and grammar), and with most of the pictures belonging to it. Whilst reading, keep in mind that the article was written in 1979.

Alfa Romeo ALFA 6: A Historical Sketch.

Alfa 6 (Sei) is a large-sized prestige car Alfa Romeo has resusticated after an interval of 13 years. It comes equipped with a newly developed 60° V6 type 2.5-liter 158BHP engine, a mighty heart which is enveloped in an almost disproportionately conservative body. Will it answer the long-standing expectation for a sporty yet luxurious limousine? Alfa Romeo has been searching for an answer for the last 10 years.

Commentary - Giancarlo Perini.

Alfa Romeo Management was studying the possibility of developing a new high-class car in 1968. The 2600 series, which had been announced in 1962, appeared to have exhausted all possibility of further marketing, while it was already planned to discontinue production of Berlina by 1969. Originally, the 2600 series came as a developed version of 2000, and there was great expectation obtaining for a car of more than 2 liters based on an entirely new concept. Design and development of a new new car were started in due course. A 4-cylinder engine was to come in two versions, 2.2 liters and 2.0 liters. The project was code-numbered "118." Body design sketches were started at the same time. Engines were made ready, and the first presentation of the body was prepared in a series of renderings. None of these, however, satisfied the expectation of the management. To the amazement of all involved in the project, the management decided to shelve the whole project on the ground that time was not yet ripe for a car of the contemplated nature. The newly developed 2.2-liter engine, it was decided at the same time, was to be reduced to 1.8 liters for mounting on "Alfetta" (announced May, 1972) designed to replace "1750".

Among the executives, however, there was a faction which asserted that future engines of 2 or more liters should be of the V6 type, and the management finally consented to allocating funds for the necessary research and development project. The V6 engine was completed in 1971. It was time to take up again the presentation of the long-pending "Big Alfa." The body style proposed at this time was far better refined than the 1968 proposal. Proposed was a limousine conceived under a very strong influence of Pinifarina-designed Fiat 130 Coupe, and it was lacking in clear Alfa Romeo identity.

But this proposal was rejected, bringing to a halt the whole project once again. But a post-oil crisis market research suggested there was room for revitalizing the withering market, and it appeared the time was ripe for a big Alfa Romeo equipped with a V6 engine.

The outer dimensions were finally decided to read 4760 x 1684 x 1394 mm. As we see, the overall width and the tread are radically curtailed and are comparable tp BMW's "5" series. The wheelbase of 2600 mm is a little shorter than the average figure for cars of this class, while the overall length belongs within with the longest for cars of this class.

The original idea of adopting the transaxle, which proved quite successful with "Alfetta" and "Giulietta," was scrapped for a number of reasons. First of all, a new gearbox had to be developed that would match the output of the newly developed engine, which potentially threatened to mar the driving comfort of the rear seats. Furthermore, it was thought that the front-rear balance of weight would turn out satisfactory with the specifications as outlined in the blueprint, rendering meaningless the theoretical advantage of the transaxle as weight balancer-distributor

The sources of information released by Alfa Romeo, which we are quoting here, indicate that there occurred something significant in their studios in the course of the project. The new styling proposal was far better than the earlier ones and was consistent with the corporate image of the maker. This design, referred to as "119," was not exactely epoch-making, but came as an answer to exactely what the management wanted. The proposal was duly approved, and work progressed via modeling to prototype-making. In 1974, the styling studio was formally requested by the management to design a classic 3-volume sedan. Work started immediately. The mechanical layout as well as the basic dimensions had already been determined.

But in 1976, styling was submitted to further study, as a result of which a new prototype was made featuring an alternative plan for the body sides. The styling was okayed in principle, but one problematical point was that this model bore too much resemblance in dimensions and image to the existing Alfettas. The answer provided to this problem was to extend the overall length and modify the design of the front- and rear-ends. It was also necessary to drastically update the design of certain parts, such as the integrated bumpers which were mounted on many models of the day.

The styling for Alfa 6 was basically an Alfa Romeo-developed one. For the last-stage modifications, the cooperative hands of Marcello Gandini (independant today after having left Bertone with his last presentation at the '79 Geneva show), former chief stylist at Bertone, were borrowed. We can recognize certain traits of Gardini's taste in the production-type Alfa 6. One regrettable thing, however, is that he did not avoid incorporating in Alfa 6 some ideas strongly reminiscent of his proposal made for BMW earlier. No material concerning interior design was released by Alfa Romeo. This, of course, bears testimony to the fact that it is an extremely difficult job to design an interior that will suit the image of a car like this and the several rounds of proposal and rejection must have been repeated until the definitive modified version was finally accepted. Alfa Romeo management must surely have desired devices and accessories that would match those of competing cars. The result was a which is by no means inferior in any sense to any of other European cars of this category. In instrument layout and seat design, Alfa Romeo's traditional taste is vivid. Reproduced here is the high quality of workmanship which is already proven in Alfetta and Giulietta.

But it is also true that this car has little to offer in the way of novelty. In styling creativity, the stylists in charge were not given an arena for demonstrating their capability to the full. There certainly is a great deal of room for refinement in the steering wheel, door panel and a few other design details.

The same may be said of the exterior design. The headlights, however, were modified shortly before start of commercial production. Until the very last moment, Alfa 6 was scheduled to come with the same rectangular headlights as those of Alfetta 2000. At the eleventh hour, sales executives decided to give the car the image of a sporty, expensive car by changing the headlight shaping to a round dual type. The prototype which is being tested now in preparation for marketing in the U.S. in the first months of 1980 does come with square sealed-beam headlights.

The development of Alfa 6 may be regarded as a good example of the difficulty encountered by the design group which, despite the brilliant work they did on Alfetta and Giulietta, had to start afresh, so to speak, when embarking on a project of a totally unfamiliar nature. This comment, however, is strictly limited to the design problem, and does in no way affect the overall evaluation of the car.

I've seen photo of this prototipo in the Internet, but I cand find it now

'92 155 1.8 TS 8v Super

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Al tempo i proiettori consentiti dalle normative USA erano di SOLI 2 TIPI, circolari e/o quadrangolari, sigillati ed identici per tutte le vetture commercializzate sul mercato USA.

A chi non li montava di primo impianto venivano sostituiti in sede di importazione.

Nel caso di Alfa 6, se fosse stata commercializzata in USA ufficialmente avrebbe utilizzato i medesimi montati su Alfetta e su tanti altri modelli di altre case.

"The great enemy of the truth is very often not the lie -- deliberate, contrived and dishonest -- but the myth -- persistent, persuasive and unrealistic"

(John Fitzgerald Kennedy)

"We are the Borg. Lower your shields and surrender your ships. We will add your biological and technological distinctiveness to our own. Your culture will adapt to service us. Resistance is futile!"

"Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, but not their own facts!"

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Visto che con l'inglese non ho esercizio da mesi, in italiano (sperando che qualcuno poi voglia tradurre almeno un sunto) dico che alcune informazioni citate appaiono non corrette, implausibili e comunque in contrasto da quanto saputo, direttamente o indirettamente, da chi al tempo era in progettazione o in marketing.

In primo luogo, il motore 4 cilindri 2.2 è una cosa di cui non si è mai sentito dire. Semmai la cilindrata 2.2 era quella INIZIALMENTE PREVISTA per il nuovo 6 cilindri, di Busso: fu scelta di Surace, al tempo, di farlo salire a 2.5 per un motivo di tassazione fiscale, cambiato nel periodo di sviluppo del motore, che al momento non mi viene in mente.

L'Alfetta è stata studiata da subito con un motore 1750 (chiamiamolo 1800) e per montare, POI, un 2000. 2000 che difatti già nel 1974 la berlina monta, ma per la versione USA (in Italia attenderemo il 1976 - GTV 2000 - e il 1977 - Alfetta 2000 da 122cv).

Nel 1976 non vi è nessun ripensamento della linea, visto che foto del 1976 (di Gente Motori, per l'esattezza) ci mostrano le scocche già belle che finite nelle dimensioni e linee che poi arriveranno alla serie. Compreso il lungo e "inutilmente lungo" cofano, che riusciva ad ospitare pure il V8 della Montreal (pare vi sia stata una vettura con quell'8 cilindri montato). Quello cui ci si riferisce a proposito di "integrare i paraurti" è un problema ben antecedente, e testimoniato dalle foto di prototipi apparsi sulle riviste specializzate italiane nel periodo '73-'74.

La scelta del cambio anteriore fu determinata da:

1. paura che il sistema di trasmissione (e NON il cambio medesimo) non reggesse alle coppie del 6 cilindri 2.5 litri. Già si avevano avuto intoppi col 1800 dell'Alfetta, e le soluzioni arriveranno dopo, essendo la GTV6 la prima transaxle 6 cilindri nel 1980. Non appaia strano l'intervallo di un solo anno: Alfa 6 non era prevista per il 1979, ma molto prima.

2. la necessità di una trasmissione automatica. Anche in questo caso vedremo che Alfetta esce con trasmissione automatica ma solo successivamente al modello 2000 L (che è del 1978), necessitando oltretutto di una sospensione autolivellante per mantenere a ragionevole altezza la scatola cambio, di dimensioni maggiori rispetto a quella del manuale.

3. il cambio posteriore consentiva di avere un ingombro centrale minore (si noti la zona laterale interna pedaliera di una Giulia rispetto a un'Alfetta) soprattutto se non hai un passo lungo: per Alfa 6 fu ritenuto inutile mettere il cambio dietro, dato che gli ingombri della scatola cambio anteriore furono ritenuti non limitanti l'abitabilità in modo significativo.

Lo studio degli interni che viene decantato (se non traduco male) in realtà è tutt'altro. A partire dai tasti degli utilizzatori, per arrivare ad altre soluzioni sia razionali che di design, l'aspetto è quello di un "mai finito".

La gestazione della vettura, molto lunga, ha sicuramente portato a diversi step di realizzazione, con successivi stop, ripensamenti, abbandoni, riprese, che se si conosce la vettura giustificano quel "ma non ci han pensato?" spontaneo nel notare alcuni particolari.


'80 Alfasud 1.2 5m 4p --- '09 147 JTDm Moving

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La butto lì.

Può essere per caso che ciò a cui ci si riferisce citando il "ripensamento-1976" sia l'applicazione agli estremi del piano di frontale e coda dei cosiddetti "smussi"? Mi sembra di ricordare, se non erro, che fosse stata come una soluzione ideata in una seconda fase, con l'intenzione di rafforzare la "potenza" visiva dei volumi anteriore e posteriore.

Mi sembra infatti che una delle foto di GM con il "fumetto" 1976 mostrino un esemplare che al posteriore presenta le due soluzioni differenti del piano di coda, uno più alto e con smusso più accentuato, e l'altro più inclinato verso il basso e con smusso molto minore (oltre alle due soluzioni per la grafica della fanaleria).

Lo stesso esemplare però mostra, mi par di ricordare, un'unica soluzione per quel che riguarda il frontale, pertanto resto nel dubbio.

Può essere che nel testo inglese si riferiscano (a spanne) a questo?

"... guarda la libidine sarebbe per il si, ma il pilota dopo il gran premio ha bisogno il suo descanso... e poi è scattata la regola numero due: perlustrazione del pueblo e ricerca de los amigos... ah Ivana, mi raccomando il panta nell'armadio, il pantalone bello diritto. E un po' d'ordine in stanza... see you later!" (Il Dogui, Vacanze di Natale)

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Anteriormente il "ripensamento" c'è stato, come testimonia il confronto fra le foto di GM di un prototipo camuffato "quasi Renault" e la realizzazione definitiva, ma questo non è sicuramente da datarsi 1976 bensì prima.

Il 1976 è l'anno in cui già ci sono le scocche lastrate. Questo vuol dire che gli stampi di pressa già furono realizzati, tant'è che la vettura arriva altri tre anni dopo e non è un mistero che fondamentalmente la si produsse perchè "oramai le linee le avevamo già allestite ed erano pronte".


'80 Alfasud 1.2 5m 4p --- '09 147 JTDm Moving

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.....apppppproposito di automatiche (delle quali non mi sono mai interessato e quindi nulla so) il cambio montato su Alfetta 2000 L era lo stesso montato su 2000 (che se non erro su 2000 N non venne mai montato) ??


'80 Alfasud 1.2 5m 4p --- '09 147 JTDm Moving

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