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La General Motors continua a cercare di recuperare liquidi vendendo sue proprietà.

In particolare, sta portando avanti una campagna di vendita di immobili utilizzati dalle sue società, in cui rimanere poi in affitto, ricavando nell'immediato un afflusso di luquidi in entrata. (toh: acqua alla gola, finanza creativa, mi ricorda qualcosa) :twisted:

Tanto alle spese future dovrà pensarci qualcun'altro.

In Europa, potrebbero essere le sedi e gli uffici di Saab e di Vauxhall ad essere ceduti a breve, per recuperare un totale 257 milioni di dollari.

In USA stanno addirittura vendendo il grattacielo della sede centrale GM a Detroit. :shock:

Report: GM eyes $257 million European asset sale

Automotive News Europe

November 28, 2008 09:00 CET

(Reuters) -- General Motors has asked real estate agent Jones Lang LaSalle for help in raising up to $257 million from the sale and leaseback of some of its European offices and other property assets, the Financial Times said.

The plan is part of a global push by the carmaker to raise up to $4 billion from asset sales and capital market transactions as it runs critically short of cash, the paper said.

In the U.S., the company is looking to sell and lease back the Renaissance Center, the Detroit skyscraper complex that serves as its headquarters, the paper said.

"We have engaged Jones Lang LaSalle to advise us on certain non-manufacturing assets," Denis Chick, director of communications for GM UK and Ireland, told the paper.

GM would not comment on which assets it was seeking to sell in Europe, the paper said.

However, a person familiar with the company's plans told the paper the assets might include the offices of its Saab brand in Sweden and the Vauxhall headquarters in Luton, England.

Jones Lang LaSalle confirmed it was advising GM, but declined to comment further, the paper said.

GM is looking to dispose of real estate during one of the worst economic periods in recent memory, especially in the U.S. and the UK, where many of the properties are located, according to the paper.

On Thursday, the carmaker said it aims to cut staff costs at its European operations by at least 10 percent to battle the impact of a sharp slump in demand for cars.

General Motors and Jones Lang LaSalle could not be immediately reached for comment by Reuters.


Se davvero l'azienda perde 2 mld $ al mese, come hanno detto, a cosa serve tutto ciò? A tirare avanti un mese in più?

"All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed, second it is violently opposed, and third, it is accepted as self-evident." (Arthur Schopenhauer)


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