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[Thailand] Ford Ranger Max Concept (Foto Ufficiali)


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Renowned for its genuine toughness and strength, the Ford Ranger takes a confident step forward with the debut of the high-impact Ranger Max show truck at the Thailand International Motor Expo.

Ranger Max pushes everyone’s expectations of Ranger to the max. Visually bold and muscular, it takes to the stage at the Ford stand with confidence, sophistication and craftsmanship. The Ranger Max extends Ranger’s reputation as the best all-around compact truck on the market.

“We know Ranger is tough and durable, and Ranger Max accentuates to those qualities. The show truck does not follow a trend; it sets a new tough style direction for compact trucks,” says Paul Gibson, the chief designer of the Ranger Max. “Ranger Max is genuinely tough and it is a truck that gets the job done. This high-impact show truck also has the bold visual presence that looks great on the urban scene.”

Ranger Max was created by Ford Thailand team, working with Ford’s Australia-based Asia Pacific and Africa design team, led by Gibson.

“The Ranger Max is not just about creating show excitement,” Gibson said. “We have a great opportunity to test design themes. Ranger Max says exciting things about the possibilities for truck fans in Ranger’s future.”

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