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I modelli "uccisi" dalla crisi

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la suzuki kizashy è da aggiungere alla lista...poveraccia..

In principio fu lo scudo, poi i bulloni, quindi i cerchi a turbina, poi i fari,quindi i led,poi il pianale,quindi il nome,poi venne il turno della plafoniera, non fu da meno il bagagliaio, infine (per poco ancora) il volante con i tasti della punto. Ho dimenticato qualcosa? :mirror:

Ah si, il peso dichiarato rispetto la Bravo, il feeling dello sterzo, lo schema delle sospensioni, i motori.

Ovviamente anche il devioluci ed il prosciutto, la maschera della plancia.

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Guest EC2277
Senza offesa ma...economico il T-max :roll: ? spero che la vostra fosse ironia visto che viene 9.600€ senza ABS ;)

Scusa, ma ti pare che si possa utilizzare termini quali economico, compatto ed agile al T-Max senza essere sarcastici? ;)

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Guest EC2277

Vabbè anche l'Hummer H1 è un'agile, compatta ed economica utilitaria se paragonato ad un Abraham; che paragoni mi fai?

È uno scooter percui paragonamelo con gli altri scooter.

:b26 Happy

Modificato da EC2277
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Honda reportedly kills S2000 replacement, V8 program, RWD Acuras

Honda's attempt to right-size its development schedule and cope with the economic downturn apparently extends beyond the cancellation of the next NSX. According to Autocar, HoMoCo is right-sizing its plans for the next two years, and that includes rethinking the development of a range of rear-wheel-drive Acuras, a new V8, a convertible based on the CR-Z and the S2000's successor.

Acura seems to be carrying the weight of the bad news, with its RWD 7-series rival, originally due out in 2015, cancelled indefinitely, along with development of a V8 engine that would allow the brand to compete with the best and brightest from Germany. The Euro-market Legend could also be on the block and there's a chance that Honda will stop developing two separate Accord models for sale in the U.S. and abroad, instead opting for one mid-size sedan to be sold worldwide.

Unfortunately, the development cease-fire also extends to Honda's smaller offerings. Honda planned to release a drop-top version of its CR-Z after the hybrid goes on sale next year, but that model has been nixed. Even more disturbingly, 2009 will be the last year of production for the S2000, with no heir apparent waiting in the wings.

We're hoping to get more details on the cut-backs as the week progresses, but needless to say, there's more than enough disappointment to go around.

[source: Autocar]


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