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Jaguar XF (Spy)

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Guest -jag-
Se fosse una Citroen sarebbe perfetta: è la CX!

eccolo qua....BENVENUTO! (vi ricordate cosa dissi in precedenza?! :-)


Sta fiancata piatta fa un terribile effetto grossa Mondeo (5p per giunta, con la vectra l'auto anonima per eccellenza), speriamo che almeno muso e coda abbiano un po' di personalità.










Our spies in Scandinavia have now captured shots of an early prototype of a “production-intent” Jaguar XF rolling around on the streets of northern Sweden and parking alongside its predecessor – the current Jaguary S-Type. After the firm has shown its C-XF concept in Detroit earlier this year, this heavily disguised prototype indicates that there has been a toning-down of certain design elements for production. Certainly, the car’s grille, A-pillar and certain surfacing details are consistent with the pending show car, but the taillights are in fact different, as well as details like the traditional door pulls and rear-view mirrors. The spy-shots of the XF mule also indicate that the production car will have a more traditional (less coupe-like) roofline, which should help with rear seat headroom. We liked to see the S-Type replacement on the show stand in Detroit, but we’re even more eager to assess the production car.

 News al 02/12/2015: Mazda 2.

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