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Roewe Limo (Spy)


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Roewe working on super luxury sedan?

SAIC’s Roewe have been working hard to complete a super secret super luxury sedan before Shanghai’s April show.

Technically, SAIC already do produce a limo in the guise of the MG7 2.5 V6, which is 100mm longer than the standard MG7 1.8T. Although that particular model has not be a sales success for MG.

The powerplant in the Roewe limo to the left is currently unknown, but we’re guessing that the regular 2.5 V6 lump that Roewe currently own wont be powerful enough to move the gigantic car along the flat streets of Shanghai. Could the limo actually be Ssangyong Chairman based, or even use Chairman powerplants? I guess we will have to wait until more news comes available.

dan, indicating that it will be at least 12-15cm longer than the regular Roewe 750, which is actually based off the stretched Rover 75 that SAIC bought the rights to in 2005. The red and black Roewe logos appear to have been ditched in favor of champagne gold logos, but the tyres used on the car are from Hankook and and are usually used on sub 200k RMB cars. The pictures were taken in one of SAIC’s experimental body shops, although the stretched limo Roewe 750 is certainly interesting, what you can see in the background is also of interest.



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  • 1 mese fa...


Roewe 850 Information

It seems that SAIC and Ssangyong have worked together on this stretched limo for the Chinese market. SAIC have provided the brand, and the car, and Ssangyong have dropped in some of their larger engines, a 3.2l and a 2.8l engine have been offered up.

The Roewe limo first appeared on CCT last month, but information on the car has been slim on the ground, until now! As mentioned above, the engines are a 3.2 and a smaller 2.8l model, there are also rumors of a 5.0L engine making its way into the future 850. The transmission is a 7 speed semi auto, probably from Mercedes via the Mercedes-Ssangyong tie up.

Although CCT is not entirely sure, it seems that the Roewe 850 is a Chinese mainland production version of the Ssangyong W200 Chairman. The 850 is expected to launch at the Shanghai Auto show later this year.

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  • 3 settimane fa...











non ce niente da dire...i cinesi stanno lavorando veramente bene...

annunciata la vendita a partire da quest anno della Roewe in Israele, probabile che tra due tocchi all'EU


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