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Storicamente i risultati di questa politica sono stati piu' questi...

Che quello che tu dici.

Non dimentichiamo che la fabbrica polacca e' anche la piu' moderna del gruppo.

e chiediti il perchè

Ai tempi del soggetto in quesitione i bulloni te li dovevi serrare tu a casa dalle auto uscite da quelle stesse fabbriche.

Finito quel giro, la gente ha capito che per mangiare deve "deliverare", altrimenti qualcun altro è bello pronto fuori per prendere il tuo posto, e magari è + bravo.

A Detroit fanno ancora fatica a capirlo, a Chattanooga lo hanno capito patendo la fame...

"The great enemy of the truth is very often not the lie -- deliberate, contrived and dishonest -- but the myth -- persistent, persuasive and unrealistic"

(John Fitzgerald Kennedy)

"We are the Borg. Lower your shields and surrender your ships. We will add your biological and technological distinctiveness to our own. Your culture will adapt to service us. Resistance is futile!"

"Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, but not their own facts!"

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Inviato (modificato)
le tedesce e le giapopnesi sono sempre state costruite ed assemblate meglio. Progettate meglio dal concetto alla realizzazione.

Poi tecnicamente erano anche 3 gradini sotto...

Modificato da Lanciaboxer
Ai tempi del soggetto in quesitione i bulloni te li dovevi serrare tu a casa dalle auto uscite da quelle stesse fabbriche.

Archepensevoli spanciasentire Socing.

Ma questo l'ho pensato primo io, mi devono dare i diritti... :D :D :D

Legete la fine di questo articolo... :D;)

Le Président Américain Obama aurait possédé une FIAT Ritmo !? - Unica-Strada - La Passion de l'Automobile Italienne

Obama in 500 sarebbe un colpaccio sensazionale :lol:

"All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed, second it is violently opposed, and third, it is accepted as self-evident." (Arthur Schopenhauer)


Volkswagen Scirocco 1.4 TSI 160cv Viper Green (venduta)

BMW M4 DKG Competition Package 450cv Sapphire Black

Jeep Renegade 1.0 T3 Limited 


Marchionne è allucinante. :shock::lol:

Ieri sera si è già fiondato oltreoceano e oggi era a Detroit, per parlare con i sindacati e con i finanziatori Chrysler, portandosi dietro Altavilla.

Fiat's Marchionne flies to Detroit to meet with Chrysler unions

MARCH 31, 2009 - 7:46 AM ET

MILAN (Reuters) -- Fiat's CEO has flown to Detroit to meet Chrysler LLC's unions and creditors after U.S. authorities gave the carmakers 30 days to set up a partnership to save Chrysler.

Sergio Marchionne flew late on Monday to Detroit after U.S. President Barack Obama ordered Chrysler to accelerate its efforts to survive and prepare itself for possible bankruptcy.

Marchionne was accompanied by Alfredo Altavilla, Fiat's head of business development, who is leading the talks with Chrysler and the U.S. auto task force, a Fiat spokesman said on Tuesday.

The Italian industrial group first announced its plans for a partnership with Chrysler in January. It is to give technology for small cars and access to foreign markets in exchange for a stake in Chrysler and entry into the U.S.

'Extraordinary occasion'

"If the agreement is finalized, as we hope it will be, in the coming weeks, it will present an extraordinary occasion," Fiat Chairman Luca Cordero di Montezemolo said on Tuesday.

"The American market, despite the fact that it is going through a difficult moment, remains the biggest of challenges and opportunities," he said.

Obama has rejected the plan submitted by Chrysler to remain a viable concern with the help of Fiat, saying the No.3 U.S. carmaker had not done enough to justify getting billions of dollars more in government loans.

He gave Chrysler 30 days to complete the partnership with Fiat, considered Chrysler's best chance of survival after sales plunged in the worst industry crisis in decades.

Smaller stake

One of the conditions demanded of Fiat by the task force was to take a smaller stake in Chrysler than it had previously agreed, down from 35 percent to 20 percent, a source familiar with the talks said.

A member of the government's task force mentioned the possibility of splitting off the Chrysler's "bad" assets and sending them through a court-supervised bankruptcy.

Marchionne said the task force as being "tough but fair".

The next step for Chrysler is to reach cost-saving deals with its unions and creditors.

Analysts fear these talks might lead to the partnership costing Fiat more than it had originally planned.

Despite the group's insistence that it will invest no cash nor assume any debt from Chrysler, analysts suspect Fiat might be forced to do just that to win the task force's approval.


non perde tempo giustamente... è un caterpillar, un bulldozzer...

"quello che della valle spende in 1 anno di ricerca io lo spendo per disegnare il paraurti della punto." Cit.

non perde tempo giustamente... è un caterpillar, un bulldozzer...

Infatti noto una certa somiglianza... :b1:b26

"Chi ti dà una serpe quando chiedi un pesce, può darsi abbia solo serpi da dare. La sua, dunque, è generosità."


segno che ha le idee chiare sul da farsi e crede che sia un'azione vantaggiosa quella intrapresa.....speriamo bene, un grande cmq

Ogni volta che un DJ dice "IO SUONO" un musicista, nel mondo, muore...

Primo estratto del nostro nuovo album!


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