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Pentastar upgrade for 2016 revealed

Chrysler has revealed the upgrades to the Pentastar V6 engine for 2016. They are not earth-shattering, and do not include direct injection; but they do strengthen an already highly competitive engine. In essence, the V6 has been lightened, retuned, and made both more fuel-efficient and more powerful.

Numerous steps were taken to cut pumping losses and internal friction, including switching to a new two-stage valve lift control setup (low valve lift for efficiency at normal speeds, and high lift for power when needed), using a new low-friction coating, and changing the valve timing system.

Changing components made the engine lighter, despite additional features. A different manifold boosted torque in the under-3,000-rpm range, where it spends most of its time for most people, and higher compression and other tuning increased horsepower by five in the Jeep Grand Cherokee, the only 2016 car to get it so far. See our Pentastar Upgrade page for more detail.

Direct injection is still rumored to be on the way, awaiting low-sulfur gasoline mandates in the United States.

  • 6 anni fa...
  • Risposte 203
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3 ore fa, GL91 scrive:


Magari ho capito io male, ma non si dice solo che la produzione del V6 verrà concentrata nell'edificio Sud di Trenton, e che la fabbrica nord verrà riutilizzata diversamente?

Immagino produrranno motori elettrici o altri componenti credo

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