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Bentley "Project Victoria" (Teaser)


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The pressure to show an interest in the ecological impact of driving is extending ever-upwards, so high that even Bentley is working on a biofuel concept. Due to arrive at the Geneva Motor Show in March, Bentley has now released a teaser shot of the car, revealing that it will be based on the Continental GT.

Along with the teaser, Bentley released the statement: “On March 3, Bentley will reveal its fastest, most powerful production car ever. Delivering supercar performance, this new model is very much the extreme Bentley. Importantly it will run on biofuel, delivering stage one of Bentley's environmental commitment and pioneering the use of this fuel in the luxury sector.”

Interestingly, it has been described as a “production car,” suggesting that there is a chance that it may appear in showrooms before the end of the year.

Ethanol and other biofuels, while less efficient per unit volume than traditional fossil fuels, can still be made to produce prodigious quantities of power while keeping CO2 emissions comparatively low. The burning of ethanol in biofuel has the positive side effect of cooling the combustion chambers, allowing for high power outputs than comparable petrol engines.

First details about the eco-friendly Bentley came on the floor of this month’s Detroit Auto Show, where, Stuart McCullough, a member of the board at Bentley and involved in sales and marketing for the company, confirmed the car’s development. The comments were followed with the release of a report called 'Bentley and Biofuels', which the carmaker also released in Detroit. The document outlined Bentley's plans to have a wide range of vehicles capable of using bioethanol before 2012.


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Dal profilo che mi è parso di vedere nel video è decisamente un leggero lifting della GT, speriamo che per l'occasione gli levino quel sederone orrendo che si ritrova con una fanaleria un po' più dinamica...

La teoria è quando si conosce il funzionamento di qualcosa ma quel qualcosa non funziona.

La pratica è quando tutto funziona ma non si sa come.

Spesso si finisce con il coniugare la teoria con la pratica: non funziona niente e non si sa il perché.

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Bentley has hopped aboard the teaser boat leading up to an intriguing debut at this year's Geneva Auto Salon. From what we can tell from the first images, the car is a Continental GT that's been spiced up with new facsias and a more powerful engine tuned to run on biofuel. That could mean ethanol but, this being Bentley, it could be designed to run on fine wine or the souls of peasants. The company hasn't released many details, but this new "Extreme" car should be both the fastest and the cleanest Bentley ever produced.

Wait, there's one more detail--if we're to believe the file name for the banner image of the car on Bentley's media site, this new model is being referred to internally as "Project Victoria."

Puoi' chiamarla anche Progetto Vittoria.

Il sito del teaser si chiama Extreme Bentley.

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