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Scirocco Vs Golf VI GTI

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un quesito per i piu tecnici...

il motore 200 cv della scirocco è fatto sullo stesso basamento del golf VI GTI???

cambia solo una mappatura alla centralina oppure c'e altro?

me lo chiedevo visto che l'accelerazione da 0-100 è uguale per entrambe...


Se ricordo bene il 2.0 TFSI da 210cv è diverso dal 200cv.

Deriva dal 1.8 TFSI ed è dotato di sistema Valvelift allo scarico.


Some critics have complained that the 4C lacks luxury. To me, complaining about lack of luxury in a sports car is akin to complaining that a supermodel lacks a mustache.


Il motore cambia radicalmente ha un basamento tutto nuovo quello da 211 CV

Di seguito alcuni link interessanti sul nuovo motore audi

ma che verrà ustao anche da VW

2.0 TFSI da 211 CV e coppia da 350 NM da 1500 RPM

Di seguito alcune specifiche

"BPY engine vs CCTA engine is a very clear thing: The CCTA engine is a complete new design and improves in many areas where the old engine was a compromise. (Note: I'm german and called up a friend in germany who happened to be an Audi Master mechanic. He forwarded me a pdf document ; this one is actually a public document).

balance shafts: BPY has a add-on solution (expensive) vs build-in in CCTA. The goal is to improve the accoustic behavior as well as the mid- to high-end vibration. This will help wear and tear long term for any attached part as well as internal engine block parts.

engine block: aside from the fact that the engine block is shared with the new 1.8L engine of the same family ( hence "world engine") it has been build for higher average internal pressures up to 25 Bar. That in turn allows for higher specific power output of greater 100kW/L and 175Nm/L. The current BPY engine is by far not build for that.

engine block vs crankshaft: to prevent longterm warping Audi/VW used a metal composition with almost identical expansion coefficients 13.17 and 13.26 um/mK. This has been an issue with the bearings at high power output and high temperature.

thermal profiles: the engine was optimized for higher temp effeciency which means less losses and better gas milage.

Head and block: the head is aluminum and has a different characteristic. To minimize stress between both parts they used highly komplex FEM Modells to optimize the mounting points and a better more evenly distribution of the stress points. That's a major improvement for the gaskets and for the head mounts (bolts). The old engine wasn't optimized that well.

waterpump and thermostat housing was removed from the block because of the lack of structurell support. But all oil and oil return paths , blow-by paths and chain housing was integrated. The engine is lighter, shorter, better to maintain due to an overall lower component count for the engine. Keep in mind, this engine is also cheaper to manufacture (one of the main goals) as well as being manufacturable all over the world (in the US as well). This engine was actually a co-developent of Audi and a steel plant (sounds funny I know, but they have the knowledge of HOW to make it). This was not driven by VW.

Needless to say that, in the current configuration this engine is good for 270HP in the standart build. In the paper they also talked about the manufacturing process of precision pouring and casting and there they are about a factor of 2x better than on the old engine. Their process window is much much tighter now and more reliable. That bgood for process variation.

So knowing what is in the paper, and neglecting the modding aspect of the older BPY engine for the moment, the CCTA engine is a generation better, more reliable and more efficient. The smaller new 1.8L brother is already one of the best choices in germany. Compared to the older 1.8T engine it has 50% more torque (less 10 HP) but is almost as drivable as the 2.0L BPY engine. And that is a statement in one of my german car magazines. So my choice is clear here. Anyone who has the new engine now is lucky to have it, because it's the future.

(Audi will have some mods that VW engines won't get like variable valve lifting)"

Interessantissimo pdf in tedesco sul suo blocco cilindri costruito dalla

Eisenwerk Bruhl

Qui alcuni dati comparativi rispetto al motore precedente

notare i valori di emissione di CO2

The advantages of Audi valvelift technology are evident in a 6.9-second 0-62mph time and 155mph top speed for the latest A4 2.0 TFSI with six-speed manual transmission and front-wheel-drive. They are even more noticeable in the 42.8mpg combined economy figure and 154g/km CO2 output – a significant improvement over the 36.7mpg and 184g/km recorded by the previous generation A4 2.0 TFSI.


a me pareva di aver capito che avesse il "vecchio" 2.0 TFSI solo con 10cv in piu' dichiarando il dato di coppia max di 280 Nm e stesse prestazioni della vecchia GTI (le Audi con il nuovo TFSI hanno prestazioni dichiarate superiori nonostante i soli 11cv in piu').

vabbè quando uscirà il dato ufficiale sulla coppia max sapremo.....

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