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[China] Dongfeng A00 Class (Spy)


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As the three Dongfeng Motor Group, one of the Group, in the FAW, SAIC and even widely steam are released after their own cars, rely on the Peugeot, Citroen, Nissan, the three joint ventures, but in their own cars have been no as naturally not satisfactory. However, a few days ago Dongfeng cars autonomy aspects of the news finally came, a positioning of the micro-car A00 formal exposure, a new car with the Chery QQ, BYD F0 equal size, appearance resembles Dongfeng Peugeot 206 hatchback.

In body size, the Dongfeng is much smaller than the 206, is a A00-Class car, the bus captains and the Chery QQ3 exactly the same, but the width and height than the Great One QQ, and also in wheelbase than the QQ3, F0 to longer believe in the internal space to the outstanding performance of some.

In shape, the east side with independent Peugeot 206 hatchback is very similar to, but overall higher body, car is also designed to face more full of thick, intake grille is a lot like the smiling faces of QQ3 modeling, side turn signal be integrated into the rearview mirror on the outside.

In particular, belong to Dongfeng Group, Dongfeng a number of elements can also find the shadow of the East Ocean scenery, such as the former can be said that the design of headlamps and basic, like King Plaza, Eagle Eye is the design, but used in front fog lamps is a diamond-shaped design, with the King Yat different.


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