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[JAPAN] Nissan Bluebird Sylphy Restyling (Spy)


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Però se non erro si chiama Sylphy

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The G11 Bluebird Sylphy uses Nissan's FF-S platform. This car was launched at the Tokyo Motor Show 2005.

The Nissan Bluebird Sylphy uses the same engine as the Nissan Tiida/Versa/Latio, which is the HR15DE 1.5 L engine and a whole new MR20DE 2.0 L engine. The 2.0 L version of Nissan Bluebird Sylphy uses Nissan's X-Continuously Variable Transmission (X-CVT). This combination results in smooth and powerful acceleration combined with the fuel economy of a 1.8 L engine.

The Sylphy has the most spacious interior space and the biggest boot (504 L) in its class. The rear legroom is almost as big as the Nissan Teana and Toyota Camry.

Starting from 2008, the Bluebird Sylphy is also available for the export market, as the Nissan Sylphy. The Sylphy is sold in China, and some South East Asian countries.


 News al 02/12/2015: Mazda 2.

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Nissan Slyphy Bluebird - to be stretched!

The Nissan Slphy Bluebird is a small compact sedan from Dongfeng Nissan that sells reasonably well, and is probably the nicest Bluebird to date.

To take advantage of the growing ‘mini stretched’ market, Nissan have chosen to stretch the Sylphy Bluebird, which is expected to be the flagship Bluebird once launched later this year.

In addition to a stretched Bluebird, Nissan are expected to launch a 5 speed manual version of the Sylphy.


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