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Peugeot 207 1.6 HDi - Pacchetto basso consumo (Foto Ufficiali)

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Secondo me è la versione a basso impatto ambientale...così si giustificano la scritta dei 99g/km di CO2 e i cerchi non in lega...poi è solo una mia idea...

Si è cosi... torno proprio adesso dell salone e davanti a questa c'è una 207 dell identico colore ma con il frontale abituale... Poi questa qui ha anche un spoiler posteriore orrendo... davvero terribbile :(

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The 79th Geneva show also provides Peugeot with the opportunity to illustrate the company’s lead role as a producer of low CO2 vehicles, and other key environmental initiatives by combining a small carbon footprint, a high level of safety and a competitive Global mobility solution with two, three or four wheel (cycles, scooters, cars) vehicles.

One of the objectives of the company, symbolised by the Blue Lion campaign, is to offer everyone a mobility solution that reduces both CO2 emissions and consumption. This strategy has been transformed through research and the adoption of relevant technical solutions that respect the environment. Today, Peugeot is the uncontested European leader in vehicles offering low consumption and low CO2 emissions. 1 in every 6 new vehicles sold in Europe emitting less than 120 g of CO2 / km is a Peugeot.

This performance is illustrated in the company's exhibition space by a 207 1.6-litre HDi FAP 66kW/90hp, which offers a particularly efficient technical package (specifically; low-aerodynamics, an optimised engine calibration, etc), which will soon allow it to reduce its emissions to 99g/km of CO2, by the new 107 - already offering 106g/km of CO2 - and by the 407 1.6-litre HDi FAP 80kW/110hp, which limits its emissions, with just 129g/km of CO2, and available on the market soon. In order to maintain and strengthen this leadership, the company is investing in break-through technologies:

- in the hybrid field, the concept cars present on the stand are proof of the progress of the group in new generation hybridisation; less than two years from its launch, the 3008 will be the first hybrid vehicle available across the group’s range.

- Peugeot is also engaged in micro-hybridisation; the second generation Stop&Start will be deployed as part of a very large series in the ranges from 2011.

- with regard to the electric car, Peugeot, which has been a pioneer in this field since 1995 with the 106 (the most popular electric car in the world so far), is pursuing more than ever its active monitoring based on the most promising technologies.

Peugeot's plan of action for the near future is to promote a new relationship with driving based on vehicles that are even more respectful of the environment and the public and which are exemplary in terms of safety. Prologue HYbrid4, RC HYbrid4 and HYbrid3 Compressor concept cars are the demonstrators of the company's environmental approach.

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