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Eccolo qua il LRX a 3 porte :D


Here comes the baby Range Rover.

Or at least, that's Land Rover's marketing plan. So it has produced a vehicle that can carry the Range Rover badge and be sold as a luxury compact SUV.

The LRX is due for release in 2011 and will be built at Land Rover's Halewood plant in the UK, as it shares a platform with the Freelander, which is also assembled there.

The concept certainly has had appeal to the UK government, which will be providing 27 billion UK pounds to the British automaker to develop this (fairly) eco-friendly Range Rover.

Land Rover says the production version of the LRX will be very close to the image provided here, although some changes should be expected. It is promising emissions will be below the 150 g/km mark and that a hybrid version may be in the cards for the future but did not provide any details on drivetrains.

Land Rover has confirmed the model will be a 4-wheel drive, in keeping with the brand's identity.


A quanto pare trattasi di primo sketch ufficiale..

O quantomeno, sembra essere un concept in Phase II ...

Ci sono numerose differenze con il concept presentato qualche tempo fa


Mi sa che aspetto questa per l'auto da famiglia ..

Topic Spies : icon2.gifLand Rover LRX Concept (Foto Ufficiali)

Modificato da J-Gian

 News al 02/12/2015: Mazda 2.

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Considerazione personale, quello sembra un rendering di provenienza interna, quanto i rendering "leaked" della Aston Rapide; quelli grigi, per intenderci.

Detto questo, non starei troppo a ricamare sulle formalità.

Se non sono ufficiali amen, è stato un semplice refuso.

Modificato da Touareg 2.5

Base Kuga o sbaglio??

Le 5 iniezioni hanno questo scopo:

- pilot: ridurre rumorosità, vibrazioni, stress meccanico generati dalla main - Heritage

- pre-main: ridurre NOx - 5 dadi

- main: principale..... - Tre bocchette tonde

- post-main: ridurre PM10 - Quadrilatero

- last: favorire la rigenerazione del DPF

Land Rover: 27 milioni per fare la LRX

Downing Street conferma il contributo per costruire la baby

Il governo britannico è pronto a garantire fino a 27 milioni di sterline affinché Land Rover decida di produrre una nuova vettura di dimensioni più compatte basata sul prototipo LRX presentato lo scorso anno al Salone di Detroit. La Casa di proprietà dell’indiana Tata troverebbe dunque un buon incentivo finanziario per prendere una decisione definitiva sul modello che dovrebbe allargare verso il basso la gamma e la cui produzione dovrebbe iniziare entro la fine dell’anno nello stabilimento di Halewood, nella regione inglese del Merseyside dove vengono già prodotte la Freelander e la Jaguar X-Type e che ha già ricevuto un premio J.D. Power per la qualità.

Il finanziamento governativo darebbe un contributo al progetto di ampliamento dell’impianto (che già impiega 2mila persone) che la Land Rover indica in 400 milioni di sterline. È verosimile a questo punto che la Casa di Browning Castle dia il via libera alla LRX (che dovrebbe avere un nome diverso) che darebbe un’accelerazione ai volumi e consentirebbe di abbassare i livelli medi di emissione di CO2 verso quel 20% di miglioramento per il quale sono stati stanziati 800 milioni di sterline.

Per la LRX sono pronti motori tradizionali con sistema start&stop, ma anche un nuovo sistema ibrido di trazione integrale denominato e_Terrain che prevede l’uso di un motore elettrico per le ruote posteriori. Anche questa tecnologia ha ricevuto la benedizione economica da parte del governo della Gran Bretagna e subisce prove intensive presso il centro prove di Gaydon per essere pronto alla produzione.

Autore: Nicola Desiderio



Nel rendering sembra un pò meno estrema anche la rastrematura del vetro posteriore, pur con queste piccole modifiche ugualmente stupenda, anch'io però ho letto da più parti che la definitiva avrebbe avuto 5porte

Senza cuore saremmo solo macchine.......

Secondo me sarebbe piu intelligente farlo così che 7 posti..

Intelligente è farlo così ma a 5porte come la concorrenza più qualificata q5 su tutti, al limite potrebbero derivare un 7 posti dal freelander

Senza cuore saremmo solo macchine.......



Gaydon, Warwickshire, 11 March 2009

The UK Government has confirmed a grant offer of up to £27 million is to be made available to Land Rover for the production of an all-new car. The company is due to make a final decision on the the go-ahead of the project at its award-winning plant in Halewood, on Merseyside, later this year.

The car would be based on Land Rover's acclaimed LRX Concept vehicle, first shown at the Detroit Show last year, and would be the smallest, lightest and most efficient it has ever produced.

"We welcome the Government's support for this project, which would form a key part of our future product plans and which we very much want to put into production," said Phil Popham, Managing Director of Land Rover.

The grant offer will be made available under the Government's Grant for Business Investment scheme and is an important contribution towards the overall £400 million cost of the project. This is separate from the broader automotive support package currently being unveiled by the Government.

Although it still has to go through a number of approval gateways in the product development process before getting the final go-ahead, Land Rover has also confirmed that the new car would be a key addition to the Range Rover family of luxury vehicles.

Phil Popham said, "Our engineering feasibility study has shown that we can very successfully deliver Range Rover levels of quality, drivability and breadth of performance in a more compact, more sustainable, package. Feedback from the most extensive customer research we have ever undertaken also fully supports our belief that a production version of the LRX Concept would further raise the desirability of our brand and absolutely meet all those expectations.

"It would be the smallest, lightest and most efficient Range Rover that we've ever built," Phil added. "The compact size, lighter weight and sustainability-focused technologies of the LRX Concept showed how Land Rover is planning to respond to the needs of a changing world. Despite the current economic challenges, we remain committed to investing for the future, to continue to deliver relevant vehicles for our customers, with the outstanding breadth of capability for which we are world-renowned."

The new Range Rover would embrace excellent levels of refinement and all-round capability and also introduce new powertrain options, providing a major step forward in enabling the implementation of Land Rover's e-terrain technologies strategy and achievement of its goal to exceed a 20 per cent improvement in CO2 emissions.

"Both the design and size of the LRX Concept have generated a hugely positive reaction wherever it has been seen and we've also gathered fresh insights on what potential owners would look for in a production equivalent. That knowledge is now being applied to the process of refining the vehicle as it heads towards final approval," said Phil.

The Halewood facility employs 2000 people and is a recipient of the J.D. Power Gold Standard. It currently produces the Land Rover Freelander 2 and Jaguar X-TYPE.

AutoCar sat down with Land Rover boss, Phil Popham, who told the Euro buff book:

"Our research of the LRX proved that if we can deliver the intent of the concept it has got all the hallmarks of a Range Rover."

Popham says the production LRX will be close to the concept's design, but will receive the Range Rover name. This also means that it's likely that it will be a five-door model rather than the concepts cool 3-door sport styling and will carry a taller roof line.

It's expected that this new, smaller Range Rover will share its chassis with the current Land Rover Freelander and will share similar powertrain options. Land Rover is also reporting that it will be the 'greenest' Land Rover to date, with a hybrid model expected. We'll believe it when we see it. Orders are expected to begin next year for the new model.

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