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tecnica fiat tra 10 anni x taurus

Guest fabvio

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Guest fabvio

allora...... premettendo che da qualche mese ci fai sognare tutti con anticipazioni che vanno dal mj al vva al unirail..... voglio andare + avanti.

che ci dici di come fiat si stà preparando alle tecnologie future..... che dovrebbero portare allo sgaciamento dell'automotive dalla dipendenza al petrolio......... si parla oggi quasi esclusivamente di idrogeno...... ma alcuni dicono che quello non è che uno dei possibili sviluppi..

fatto stà che fiat, pur essendo stata una delle prime a sperimentarlo, oggi sembra avere abbandonato programmi a così lunga gittata........ forse pechè troppo occupata a risolvere probblemi + imminenti...... o forse perchè persegue una differente filosofia....... forse ancora perchè ha deciso di abdicare su quel versante alla tecnologia gm che pare una delle meglio piazzate.

insomma ........ sai dirci quale è la prospettiva futura per la tecnologia oltre il petrolio di fiat.........sai dirci su cosa si stia studiado e quali siano i tempi presumibili nell'utilizzo di questa.

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The goal of the energy research area is to meet the challenge presented by the unique properties of materials in their mesoscopic phase. The objective is to develop independent local energy sources for lighting (taillights, emergency lights, etc.), microelectromechanical devices and microsystems (MEMS and MST), displays and advanced micromachines.

Research is focusing on three sectors:

-Mini and micro fuel cells

-High efficiency Photovoltaic cells

-Fast chemical micro reactors

PROFUEL On-board gasoline processor for fuel-cell vehicle application

BIO-H2 Production of clean hydrogen for fuel cells by reformation of bioethanol

PSICO-DEXA Particulate size and composition measurements for diesel exhaust aftertreatment

AESOP Assessment of energy saving in oil pipelines

The objective of the Information Area is to respond to the revolution in driving caused by the demands of ADAS and the entry of the vehicle into the digital world.

The need for a new interface between the vehicle and its occupants is the starting point for technology innovation: e.g. light emitting polymers provide the future possibility to have a wide, transparent, flexible and cheaper display, in comparison with competing technologies.

An alternative solution to the LCD display is the electrostatic micro-shutter, which could be an opportunity to develop a large area projective display at reduced costs.

The goal of the energy research area is to meet the challenge presented by the unique proprieties of materials in their mesoscopic phase. The objective is to develop independent local energy sources for lighting (taillights, emergency, lights, etc.), microelectromechanical devices and microsystems (MEMS and MST), displays and advanced micromachines.

The investigation is focusing on three sectors:

Mini and micro fuel cells

High efficiency Photovoltaic cells

Fast chemical micro reactors




Alternative propulsion systems and efficient transmissions

Research activities in this area concern in particular the development of:

a) Fuel Cell Vehicles

B) Minimal Hybrid propulsion systems

c) Automated Manual Transmissions

a) The Fuel Cell stack is an electrochemical device in which hydrogen and oxygen are combined, with the help of a catalyser, to generate electric energy in a highly efficient process which has the advantage of no moving parts and zero emissions.

CRF has been working on Fuel Cells since 1995, with the aim of acquiring basic competences (electronic control, safety, system management) and also competitiveness in the application and integration of Fuel Cell powertrain on the vehicle.

B) Research on hybrid vehicles dates from 1970. The latest development is the Minimal Hybrid concept "ECODRIVER”: an axially mounted electric motor generator interconnected via two clutches to a downsized gasoline engine and to an Automated-Manual Transmission (A-MT).

A significant reduction in fuel consumption (about 30% in the NEDC cycle) has been demonstrated.

c) A new concept of Automated-Manual Transmission (A-MT) combines a high intrinsic level of efficiency with an elevated degree of driving comfort.

The objective of the dual clutch "ECOSHIFT" transmission is to challenge the comfort performance of conventional automatic transmissions, while maintaining cost and efficiency advantages.



ECODRIVER (Energy COnversion and DRIVeline Efficient Reengineering)

ECOSHIFT (Efficient and COmfortable SHIFting Transmission)


The Hybrid Fuel Cell Bus, sponsored by the Environment Ministry, has been developed by IRISBUS, ATM (Turin Transportation Agency), the City of Turin, Sapio, Ansaldo Ricerche, CVA, ENEA, IFC and CRF. It adopts the “Load Following Vehicle Energy Management Unit”, developed by CRF to optimise efficiency and driveability. The unit performs the supervisory and monitoring functions associated to Fuel Cell Engine Subsystem controls.

“Lega Ambiente” the national environment association awarded Centro Ricerche Fiat, for the first Italian “hydrogen city car”, derived from the Fiat Seicento Elettra.



Work on CNG & LPG engines is mainly driven by the increasingly pressing need to improve air quality in urban areas. This technological solution is, for the time being, the only feasible one in industrial and economic terms in comparison to other, today less practical, technologies (e.g. fuel cells).

The main technological R&D projects in the CNG & LPG engines area in the year 2001 concerned:

- evolution of electronic gas injection technology (CNG & LPG) to comply with OBD standards;

- feasibility of installing innovative gas tanks (CNG & LPG) on vehicles;

- the conceptual study of advanced gas injection system packaging on different engines to improve air/gas mixing distribution on inlet ducts.

The main application projects in the CNG & LPG area in the year 2001 were:

- intake system design and experimental validation for the new heavy duty CNG engines for public transportation buses and garbage trucks;

- adaption of current engines to new emissions standards;

- development of new delivery vans and minibuses with cleaner engines and optimised gas (CNG & LPG) tanks installation.

Several other projects related to reducing the costs of existing CNG engines, mainly in the after-treatment area, have been carried out.




This vehicle utilises the most promising technologies to reduce consumption and emissions in the short terms.

A multipoint injection methane-powered engine operates with the assistance of an electric motor generator and a robotised gearbox.

The system enables exceptional fuel savings and levels of emissions that are ten years ahead of European legislation.

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