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Barchetta ? eccesso di richieste... (sarà vero ??!!)

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6 agosto 2003

Trouble At The Double For Shocked Fiat

iat has been hit by a double whammy. First, the company has had to change the name of its new supermini, the Gingo. And now there's the news that production of the recently revised Barchetta - featured in last week's magazine - has been halted.

Fiat UK told us demand for the car in Europe had exceeded supply, and added: "As a responsible manufacturer, we have advised our dealers not to take any orders for now. There won't be any more cars until December." One reader who contacted us said: "My dealer has phoned to say he can't take my order. It doesn't inspire confidence and makes me wonder if I should buy something else altogether."

As for the Gingo, Renault objected to the name, saying it sounded too much like its Twingo. Fiat has opted not to fight the case, so the Panda name will be revived for the forthcoming car. The last model was axed here in 1995, but has continued to sell well in its home market.

Comments: 0 Article from: Auto Express

6 agosto 2003

Trouble At The Double For Shocked Fiat

iat has been hit by a double whammy. First, the company has had to change the name of its new supermini, the Gingo. And now there's the news that production of the recently revised Barchetta - featured in last week's magazine - has been halted.

Fiat UK told us demand for the car in Europe had exceeded supply, and added: "As a responsible manufacturer, we have advised our dealers not to take any orders for now. There won't be any more cars until December." One reader who contacted us said: "My dealer has phoned to say he can't take my order. It doesn't inspire confidence and makes me wonder if I should buy something else altogether."

As for the Gingo, Renault objected to the name, saying it sounded too much like its Twingo. Fiat has opted not to fight the case, so the Panda name will be revived for the forthcoming car. The last model was axed here in 1995, but has continued to sell well in its home market.

Comments: 0 Article from: Auto Express

io credo che più di un eccesso di domanda si tratti di problemi alla linea di montaggio dopo le vicende che hanno interessato la Maggiora...

E' la prima auto al mondo con motore a 6 cilindri a V di 60 gradi e con frizione, cambio e differenziale in un unico blocco sull'asse posteriore, transaxle, ..., è il 1950 e lei è l'Aurelia. (

Concordo con te, ma non capisco come si possano fare certe "sparate"... !

va a capire, magari problemi di traduzione :shock::oops: :wink:

basta poco per non capirsi e per far venire fuori cose assurde e lontane dalla versione originale

E' la prima auto al mondo con motore a 6 cilindri a V di 60 gradi e con frizione, cambio e differenziale in un unico blocco sull'asse posteriore, transaxle, ..., è il 1950 e lei è l'Aurelia. (

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