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interessante schemino da automotive news sulla omologazione delle auto in USA,

l'articolo dice che alcuni ingegneri fiat sono già stati nella sede della Chrysler per avviare i progetti.

saranno necessari però almeno 18 mesi per tali procedure...

la cabrio e la giardinera dovrebbero gia essere state studiate con le normative per il mercato americano...

Segnalo la puntata di ieri di Reality su La7, esempio di buon giornalismo a mio avviso...

Reality – Le inchieste del programma di

Simpatico l'operaio che si lamenta dei 14€/h, ed esclama:"di sicuro gli operai italiani prendono di piu!", Forse quella cifrà la prende un dirigente :D

Comunque gli americani, da quello che si vede qui, ci credono.

PS: Impressionante la % di Italoamericani!


Il mio sito "Gruppo Hainz": - I miei articoli su Automotivespace - E quando ci sarà il nuovo sito di Autopareri anche su - I video del salone di Ginevra 2012

Inviato (modificato)
Anche se non é TP non é vero che non ha nulla della tradizione Alfa.

Eppoi é un modello di qualche anno per noi, non lo sarebbe certamente per gli USA.

Resta il fatto che se il progetto non é federalizzato é chiaro che si fa prima a portare un modello nuovo.

a parte alcune Alfa più recenti (di parla di una ventina di anni fa cmq) che no hanno forse lasciato il segno (fortunatamente...) la memoria americana nei confronti nel marchio del Biscione è di un certo tipo, la mia paura è che portando auto come l'attuale Spider si rischi di rovinarsi un po' la fama, le sportiva Alfa per me sono un po' diverse e spero che quelle che verranno nel futuro possano essere più coerenti con il passato, soprattutto nello schema tecnico.

la cabrio e la giardinera dovrebbero gia essere state studiate con le normative per il mercato americano...

fantastico! mi chiedo come siano necessari 18 mesi per adeguare anche la berlinetta...

Modificato da F . P i ë c h

E' la prima auto al mondo con motore a 6 cilindri a V di 60 gradi e con frizione, cambio e differenziale in un unico blocco sull'asse posteriore, transaxle, ..., è il 1950 e lei è l'Aurelia. (


Secondo bloomberg l'applkcazione delle procedure del chapter 11 non termineranno in due mesi come inizialmente previsto ma saranno necessari almeno 2 anni. Se confermata, quali implicazioni comporterà ?

... Le Alfa del futuro, Mazda a parte, dovrebbero essere ingegnerizzate là. Ma io dovrei comprare un'Alfa fatta dagli ingegneri della Chrysler ?

( Cit . Giugiaro da Quattroruote )


Per i poliglotti:

(Bloomberg) -- Chrysler LLC’s bankruptcy might take years, not the 60 days President Obama’s administration has given as a target.

The two-month completion schedule suggested by the administration the day the carmaker filed for bankruptcy protection applies only to a sale of Chrysler’s best assets to a new entity to be managed by Italy’s Fiat SpA. After the sale, creditors would still fight over unwanted factories and other assets to recover their money, bankruptcy lawyers said.

“The administration has been clear from the beginning of this process that it expects the new Chrysler-Fiat alliance to emerge from this process in 30-60 days, said U.S. Treasury spokeswoman Jenni Engebretsen. “We continue to remain confident that this will take place.”

As a streamlined Chrysler is launched, the remaining entity will be saddled with debt and other liabilities, such as product-defect and asbestos-damage claims. Some claimants may be disappointed as creditors compete to squeeze payments out of the sale of discarded factories, such as the Detroit plant that makes the low-volume Dodge Viper sports car.

“The unsold assets and liabilities may take years to sort out due to the complexities of resolving thousands of commercial, tort, future asbestos, dealership and employee claims,” said Dewey & LeBoeuf LLP partner Martin Bienenstock, who has advised General Motors Corp. and Chrysler Financial on restructuring.

In a televised address, Obama briefed the nation on Chrysler’s April 30 bankruptcy filing.

No Confusion

“No one should be confused about what a bankruptcy process means,” he said. “This is not a sign of weakness.” Because many creditors, workers and other stakeholders had signed on to the plan to make Chrysler more viable under court protection, he said, “this process will be quick. It will be efficient.”

The same day, a senior administration official asking not to be identified in briefing reporters on the filing said: “We expect this to be a very short, 30- to 60-day bankruptcy process, during which the company will function normally.”

The bulk of assets left in the old Chrysler will be eight factories, valued by Chrysler at $2.3 billion. Those with claims against them include the U.S. government, provider of a $4.5 billion bankruptcy loan, and lenders with an unpaid balance of $4.9 billion on a secured loan.

Those lenders include JPMorgan Chase & Co., Citigroup Inc., OppenheimerFunds Inc., a unit of Perella Weinberg Partners and Reams Asset Management, whose clients included the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, bankruptcy court filings show.

On Track

Chrysler is on track to complete the Fiat deal within Obama’s two-month deadline. Over objections of some secured lenders, blamed by Obama for tipping Chrysler into bankruptcy, a judge last week scheduled the asset transfer for May 27.

Chrysler’s most profitable assets, such as its Jeep brand and Dodge Ram pickups and related factories, would form a streamlined Chrysler run by Fiat, which would contribute fuel- efficient technology it values at $8 billion to $10 billion.

Groups gearing up to pursue claims against the old Chrysler include retirees, unsecured creditors, consumer victims, and mesothelioma and lung-cancer sufferers, according to court filings. The old Chrysler’s balance sheet will have $611 million of “product liabilities,” according to court filings.

The secured lenders, a group of about 45 creditors owed $6.9 billion, would get $2 billion that the government proposes to pay for assets securing their loans. That would give them about 29 cents on the dollar for their claims, 4 cents less than Obama offered them to keep the company out of bankruptcy.

Lender Holdouts

The holdouts, including OppenheimerFunds and Perella Weinberg, said in a statement that they objected to the Fiat deal because it favored more junior creditors. They abandoned their opposition the week after Obama’s criticism.

After the new Chrysler is created, the dissident lenders would join other secured creditors in the scramble to recover the rest of the loan from the assets of the old Chrysler.

Jack Brown, a senior analyst at OppenheimerFunds, a unit of Massachusetts Mutual Life Insurance Co., didn’t immediately return a call for comment. Denise DesChenes, a spokesman for Perella Weinberg, declined to comment beyond the April 30 statement of her client, who withdrew its opposition to the administration buyout plan.

“The secured lenders will stand in line behind the government when they try to recover more than the $2 billion they’ve been given in the buyout,” said Richard Hahn, co- chairman of the bankruptcy practice at Debevoise & Plimpton LLP, a New York law firm that isn’t involved in the Chrysler case.

Government Priority

He said the government would have a priority in the recovery line because it plans to provide reorganization financing. It plans to recover at least some of that so-called debtor-in-possession loan, said a second Obama official who declined to be named because the matter is confidential.

Chrysler will shift $500 million of a $4.3 billion U.S. loan to the new entity, it said May 12; the rest would remain a claim in the main bankruptcy case.

Chrysler’s suppliers already are scrambling to find out whether they will be chosen to sell to the new company. Bridgestone Corp.’s North American division objected in a filing to Chrysler’s proposed asset sale, saying that if it isn’t hired by the new company, it might not get paid for tires supplied while Chrysler is in bankruptcy.

The new Chrysler will assume $1.5 billion in such trade debt, according to court filings. Meanwhile, the automaker plans to pay all “essential” suppliers of goods and services, which were owed about $2.3 billion before its bankruptcy filing, according to the documents.

Rejected Supplier Claims

Rejected auto suppliers’ claims against the old Chrysler might include unpaid bills and estimated future profit on canceled programs, said Max Newman, an attorney with Butzel Long in Detroit, which represents more than 60 unsecured creditors.

“They will possibly be lumped in with other creditors who wait for whatever can be made from the liquidation of whatever is left in bankruptcy,” Newman said. “It will take years for all of those assets to be disposed of.”

Chrysler has said it would shut unwanted factories, including a sedan plant in Sterling Heights, Michigan, a St. Louis-area pickup-truck factory, a metal-stamping operation in Twinsburg, Ohio, an engine factory in Kenosha, Wisconsin, and a Detroit axle plant, according to court filings.

Plants in St. Louis and Newark, Delaware, are already closed. If Chrysler cannot find a buyer for the plants, such as a real estate developer who has a new use for them, the factories might trigger cleanup costs for the old company and its creditors, instead of bringing in money from a sale or rental.

With $39 billion in assets, Chrysler filed the fifth- biggest U.S. bankruptcy, according to Bloomberg data. The separate alliance with Fiat would create the world’s sixth- largest car manufacturer, run by Fiat Chief Executive Officer Sergio Marchionne and owned by an auto workers health-care trust, the U.S. and Canadian governments and Fiat, whose stake might rise over time to 51 percent, from 20 percent initially.

The case is In re: Chrysler LLC, 09-50002, U.S. Bankruptcy Court, Southern District of New York (Manhattan).

... Le Alfa del futuro, Mazda a parte, dovrebbero essere ingegnerizzate là. Ma io dovrei comprare un'Alfa fatta dagli ingegneri della Chrysler ?

( Cit . Giugiaro da Quattroruote )


E' il principio della bad company utilizzata anche nel caso di Alifuffa. Ed è anche il motivo per cui Napoleone non è poi così scontento del C11: alla fine invece di doversi prendere tutto e poi gestire il "non voluto" con il C11 può legittimamente scegliere cosa tenersi e cosa buttare nella bad company.

Anche se le procedure di gestione della bad company vanno oltre i 60gg dettati da Obama non cambia nulla per il resto...

"The great enemy of the truth is very often not the lie -- deliberate, contrived and dishonest -- but the myth -- persistent, persuasive and unrealistic"

(John Fitzgerald Kennedy)

"We are the Borg. Lower your shields and surrender your ships. We will add your biological and technological distinctiveness to our own. Your culture will adapt to service us. Resistance is futile!"

"Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, but not their own facts!"

la parte da vendere negli usa della ka potrebbe sicuramente avere un senso produrla la' anche se sarebbe paradossale produrla proprio in casa Ford :)

Se la Ka venisse prodotta negli USA finirebbe cmq negli stabilimenti Chrysler...

Facciamo un favore a questo mondo... Meno SUV, più 4C e Lotus...



si delineano i membri del cda Chrysler, come noto in questa fase il cda della casa americana avra' 9 membri, 4 scelti dal tesoro americano(tra cui il presidente), 3 scelti da Fiat(tra cui l'amministratore delegato), nuovo presidente della casa americana scelto dal tesoro americano sara' Robert Kidder...Fiat invece ha gia' deciso tutti e tre i membri di sua scelta, Sergio Marchionne(che avra' il ruolo di a.d.), Alfredo Altavilla e Lucio A. Noto

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