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[Ufficiale] Alleanza Fiat - Chrysler

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Personalmente sin'ora non ho mai trovato i tuoi post fuori luogo, poi in ogni caso un sorrisino gustoso come parentesi non fa mai male. ;)

Quoto Navarre75 e concordo in pieno su tutto!!!

E complimenti per l'archivio fotografico Paolo!!! La Milano caricata su di un cargo Alitalia per andare negli USA ne offrirebbe di spunti di discussione.... :)))

E anche l'altra foto con la Casa Bianco come sfondo...


'90 Fiat Tempra 1.4 ('99 - '00) - '96 Fiat Coupé 1.8 16v ('00 - '01)

'92 BMW 316i ('01 - '05) - '03 BMW 318Ci 2.0 16v ('05 - '15)

'09 BMW 320d xDrive ('15 - now)


bike: special su base Ducati Monster 800S i.e.

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(se è fuori luogo perchè in questo topic il tema è abbastanza serio e i commenti sono validi e costruttivi, levate pure eh?)

Ma neanche per scherzo....anche il tuo è un post serio:D

Non ci pensare minimamente dal frenarti da queste cose.....perchè personalmente adoro questi aneddoti!:)


Some critics have complained that the 4C lacks luxury. To me, complaining about lack of luxury in a sports car is akin to complaining that a supermodel lacks a mustache.

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Dopo l'alleanza strategica con Chrysler e la rivoluzione del management, il Lingotto inizia ora a pensare a come produrre modelli Fiat negli Usa e a come fabbricare nuovi modelli Chrysler con tecnologie Fiat. Il Detroit Free Press anticipa i piani della casa torinese e rivela che la 500 verra' lanciata negli Stati Uniti l'anno prossimo e sara' prodotta nell'impianto di Toluca in Messico.

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Chrysler to Use Fiat Technology in 6 Autos, IHS Says (Update1)

By Mike Ramsey

June 11 (Bloomberg) -- Chrysler Group LLC, the revamped U.S. automaker led by Fiat SpA, will use technology from the Italian company in six of its vehicles and help build six Fiat- brand cars, research firm IHS Global Insight Inc. said.

Fiat platforms will be used in redesigned versions of Chrysler’s Dodge Caliber, and Journey and Jeep Liberty* sport- utility vehicles, IHS said in a report today. IHS predicts the Chrysler and Fiat models will be built during the next three years at plants in the U.S., Mexico and Canada.

Chrysler Group has access to fuel-efficient autos and global markets through its alliance with Fiat. Sergio Marchionne, the chief executive officer of both companies, said yesterday that Chrysler plants would begin receiving Fiat tooling and technology over the next several months. A Chrysler spokesman declined to confirm IHS’s projections.

“It’s way too early to speculate on this,” said Rick Deneau of Chrysler. “We are working these plans out now.”

The platforms consist of almost all components used in a car that the average person can’t see, said John Wolkonowicz, an analyst with Lexington, Massachusetts-based IHS who co-wrote the report. They include steering, electrical systems, suspensions and exhaust systems.

“I think it’s going to be very difficult,” said Wolkonowicz. “The Chrysler, Dodge and Jeep stuff still has to have a style very different from the Fiat stuff.”

The platforms would replace Chrysler’s existing components for various models of Chrysler’s mid-sized cars, Wolkonowicz said. The study also gives production plan estimates for three new Chrysler vehicles, five Alfa Romeo luxury cars and the assembly of the Fiat 500 subcompact car.

Chrysler Plants

IHS predicts that most of the Auburn Hills, Michigan-based Chrysler vehicles will be built at plants in Belvidere, Illinois; Toluca, Mexico; and Toledo, Ohio. The Fiat models will be produced at plants in Detroit, Toluca and Brampton, Ontario.

The Fiat platforms will also be used in the Jeep Panda, the Dodge Hornet and the replacement for the Chrysler Sebring, the IHS report said.

Documents from bankruptcy court show that Chrysler plans to build at least one car in the U.S. based on an Alfa Romeo platform.

Chrysler Group LLC was formed yesterday from the sale of most the assets of Chrysler LLC, which filed for bankruptcy on April 30. Turin, Italy-based Fiat now owns 20 percent of the new company, and the U.S., Canada and a health-care trust fund for union retirees also own stakes.

To contact the reporter on this story: Mike Ramsey in Southfield, Michigan, at

Last Updated: June 11, 2009 15:22 EDT

Secondo IHS saranno prodotti 6 modelli Chrysler Group(Liberty*,Journey,Caliber,Hornet,Sebring e la Jeep su base Panda) su base Fiat....e nei stabilimenti di Chrysler Group saranno prodotti 6 modelli FGA, la fiat 500 e 5 modelli Alfa Romeo....

*Jeep Liberty=Cherokee

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Ma nei 6 modelli FGA non dovrebbe essere compresa anche quelli Alfa??o in questo caso si intende solo Fiat e Lancia??

''l'Alfa Romeo,non e' un semplice marchio come tanti,ma una filosofia di vita e di pensiero...o c'e l'hai nel sangue questa filosofia o non la potrai mai capire e carpire...''

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