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Talk about a 'hot and cold shower' story... Just as we were getting ready to post the first photos of the rumored MINI Rolls Royce limited edition model that appeared on the 'Total Mini' forum, we discovered a report from the MINI-loving crew over at 'Theswitchback' saying that the car will not go on sale. More specifically, the report said that while a company spokesman confirmed the production of the Rolls Royce Edition model for a recent dealer event, he claimed that MINI has "no current plans" to release the car into the market.

MINI Rolls Royce Edition - Carscoop"MINI is known for successfully marketing special edition models. But for every 100 that are proposed, 99 don't make the final cut," the unnamed spokesman was quoted as saying.

Nonetheless, if you're were wondering what a $50k MINI Rolls Royce Edition would look like, these shots from 'Totalmini' forumster 'Posts001' give us a pretty good idea. Aside from the RR blue finish, the special edition MINI features a bodykit and new alloy wheels while the interior of the car seems to be upgraded with premium materials and new trim. Unless we're missing something, it doesn't seem as special as some speculated.


Voci ufficiali dicono che non sarà commercializzata.. che ci faranno boh? :lol:

1) Asta ;

2) Sotto Sale ;

3) Garage di Jay Leno

 News al 02/12/2015: Mazda 2.





Alonso, come ha detto Kimi, è il primo top driver che si fa pagare il posto a Maranello.

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