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Without catching anyone off guard, an exterior stylist for Rolls-Royce disclosed that the company is planning both coupe and convertible variants of its upcoming all-new Ghost sedan. Andreas Thurner, responsible for penning the new four-door, told Autocar that, "...the Ghost was designed in a way to make other body styles... we have to build up a family for the Ghost just as we did for the Phantom." The coupe and cabriolet models have yet to receive any official go-ahead for production, but history is on their side.

Rolls-Royce has confirmed that the new model will receive an "intelligent" four-corner air suspension that will read multiple sensor inputs and make individual load calculations every 2.5 milliseconds. It is reportedly so sensitive that it can detect where passengers are seated and when they move about within the cabin. In addition, the air suspension will raise or lower the vehicle by 25mm (a.k.a. "the lift and kneel" function) to compensate for squat and dive, improve ground clearance, and ease entry for the soon-to-be coddled passengers. Hand-build at the company's Goodwood plant in the U.K., production is set to start later this year.


Sino a che non cominciano a girare i primi muli lascio unito il thread..

Prevedibile come mossa..

 News al 02/12/2015: Mazda 2.

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