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Ford Fiesta S2000 pronta per il campionato 2011

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Prime immagini ufficiali del primo esemplare sperimentale di quella che sarà la Ford Fiesta per il campionato Super 2000.

A breve verrà costruito un secondo esemplare, da far provare ai primi potenziali "clienti" e a inizio 2010 la vettura verrà omologata.

La Fiesta S2000 è destinata, nel 2011, a prendere il posto della Focus WRC.



  Car Magazine scrive:
Ford Fiesta S2000 rally car (2010) first pictures

This is the first picture of Ford’s new Fiesta S2000 rally car, a vehicle that will form the basis of the company’s 2011 WRC challenger.

So this Ford Fiesta will replace the Ford WRC?

Yes. Earlier this year both Ford and Citroen confirmed their continuing participation in rallying, and Ford revealed that it would participate in the S2000 and WRC categories with the Fiesta. The S2000 category calls for naturally aspirated engines that produce around 270bhp, while the WRC regulations allow the addition of a turbocharger and aerodynamic add-ons.

The new car has been built in less than six months by M-Sport, the team that runs Ford's current WRC cars. M-Sport worked closely with Ford during the build process to ensure the Fiesta’s styling was incorporated into the aggressive looks of the new car.

Today the S2000 Fiesta underwent an initial shakedown in Cumbria, before it begins an extensive schedule that will see it test in the UK and Europe. A second car is expected to be completed by the end of October, which will both speed up the development process, and allow potential customers to drive the new car. Homologation will then take place in January 2010.

'The important thing now is that we undertake a strong test and development campaign in order to provide our customers with the best possible S2000 package,' said M-Sport managing director Malcolm Wilson. 'I’m sure that this car will also provide a very strong base for Ford’s next generation WRC car.'

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